Saturday, October 31, 2015

The Journey

The journey.  When I heard these words I immediately asked of myself three questions. Where does it start?  Where does it end?  How do I get there?  In my mind I marinated these questions as it relates to my journey.  My life is a summation of days and months and years.  Through my physical eyes I see just what is before me. Yet, I couldn’t shake the feeling that there was more. 

In the beginning God created…the verse from Genesis 1:1 formed itself in my mind and exploded this truth.  My journey and yours begins and ends with God.  The God of Genesis is the same God of Revelation who says I am coming again.  He frames our days like bookends on a shelf.  It is hard to understand but to deny it would be foolish.  God is and was and is to come and he is the author of not just our faith but our journey. 

I have learnt that my steps have been ordered by Him.  Every single one is not without His knowing.  He has in fact known me before the foundations of the world.  Jeremiah reads that before he was formed in his mother’s womb God knew him.  The journey had already began.  The journey here on earth is a continuation to a predestined end.

The truth is that we shall all see God.  Yes.  Whether you accept Him now or not, your journey will ultimately lead to the same place as mine in the end.  Jesus will see us all. None shall be left behind.  We will all be judged according to our choices in the here and now.  We will either hear depart from me I know you not or well done my good and faithful servant.

With this I bet you wonder how to be sure that you will hear the words of affirmation.  I bet you wonder how then you are to walk in this journey so that the end is good.  The way, the truth and the life is Jesus.  He says there is no other way to the Father except through Him.

Do you know Him?  Is He a part of your journey?  Are your footsteps in line with His?  Are you listening out for His orders as to where those steps should be?  I hope so my friends.  Nothing else matters.  Nothing else that you can attain will be taken with you at the end of your days, your journey’s ultimate end.  It is not too late Jesus gives us the time to repent and come in alignment with Him.  Today, is your destiny!



Saturday, October 10, 2015

It's Not About You

It’s Not About You. 

These were the words of truth echoing through my mind earlier this week as I prayed.  My past came to the present, equipped with passport and bags, he came to see his son.  In case, you are lost let me re-track.  My son’s dad came to see him.  It had been umpteen years since he came to Canada to see over the 21 years of my son’s life. Actually to be precise he visited him twice.  It was a trip that was well over due.

I found out quite by accident of this trip.  I had asked my prayer team to pray that he would visit.  I felt like it was needed for both of them and I wanted nothing to stand in the way.  So we prayed.  I heard nothing from him.  I happened to inquire of my son, “did you hear from your Dad?”  “Yes.” He responded.  “Do you know if he’s coming?” “Yes.” Was his singular response yet again.  With nothing else coming forth, I took it upon myself to go directly only to discover he will be in town the very next day.  No time. Nothing else added. Like father like son, the vault of information was closed to me. They knew and had made plans. I was excluded and unaware.


By now, if you are anything like me, your ire would be raised. You would be saying something like “You mean to say, they couldn’t tell you anything?”  That is exactly what I said.  So I took to the altar in prayer or complaining which ever one God calls it.  He said to me, clear as the day outside, “It is NOT about you”.  He says you don’t need to be offended, because this is not about you.  God had a plan that was in place and at the center of it were two men who were broken and in need of healing.  They needed this time together more than they even knew. This was a time to pour God’s balm into old wounds that did not heal but was only covered and hidden.  It was a time to restore and repair broken bonds between a father and a son.  It was time to throw out guilt and shame; a time to love on each other and be there for one another.  For three days they ate together, shared a room, talked, drove and “hung out” with each other. No-one else was included in the majority.  God gave them a gift these last few days – he gave to each man the g of each other. 


It was not about me.  I took my offense and washed it away with forgiveness.  I walked away from that time with God feeling chastened and yet freed.  God was answering my prayer and he didn’t need my help to do it.  I never saw my son’s Dad at all throughout his stay here, and guess what, it was okay.  I was happy and filled with gratefulness that this was even happening. 

Friends sometimes it really has nothing to do with you.  Allow God to do what He does and leave it all to Him.