Thursday, April 21, 2016

As For Me And My House

Last night I came into my home after an extended work day to misery and tears. The spirit of offense was in full form and emotions were high as weariness wove itself around labored aching bodies and minds. 

My mom has a phone that she struggles to use. Last night she attempted to answer it and missed the call. So I said "You need to get a new phone that you can use". She was offended and what was a simple comment made with no ill intent became blown up and out of proportion.

My younger sister who has been the primary care giver for my older sister has been herself feeling ill. I said to her "there is still shake in the fridge to be used before it goes bad." She responded that she made it for my older sister when her head was pounding and she is doing her best. At which point she burst into tears and sobbed into her hands for the next 5 minutes. 

I honestly felt like I had stepped into an episode of Twilight Zone. What in the world...? was my own thinking.  It continued into this morning, right after a really good devotion on the prayer line.   Another question and another blow up. So much for being an epistle of Christ I thought.  I tell you this much,  I was the constant in the middle of it all.   So, I did what I knew to mend the brokenness. 

Prayed. I asked my prayer partners for help and did a bit of my own. That is when the spirit of God began His ministry in me. I started to meditate on the words of Joshua..."As for me and my house we will serve the Lord". 

Beloved, if you are where I was last night then you want to recognize the enemy behind the discord. The disguise is good but the Holy Spirit opens our eyes to see the truth. A war had been waged against my house and it was not taking prisoners alive. I needed a weapon that could destroy the lies and restore peace . Holy Spirit (because I don't think this was me) prompted me to declare the following as I prayed and you can too:
As for me and my house:
We will be in unity
We will exhibit love
We will be in peace
We will help each other
We will be kind
We will walk in oneness
We will serve the Lord

How about it friends? Make the declaration of peace for you and your house. It will destroy the weapons of the enemy to kill, steal and destroy your family! As for me and my house....