Monday, September 5, 2016

Let there be light

I go to a nursing home twice a month. We sing songs and speak on the bible for and with the residents. Yesterday was such a service. We walked into the room where the residents were already gathered. Immediately we began singing songs and were well into it when another team member came. She walked over to the switch and instantly light flooded the room.

Why was this worthy of retell?  Glad you asked. We had no idea we were sitting in darkness. We carried on, business as usual accepting the conditions as they were. We all knew where the switch was but none of us thought to do anything about it. We accepted the dimness as light. 

When she did it I thought this is like the world. They walk in darkness and are unaware. For them, this is life. They are ignorant to what they need...the light of the World. Jesus is that light. He pushes back the darkness. He enlightens our eyes to see the hope and the calling we have been given.  

Friends as Paul prayed for the Ephesians I pray likewise for you. May the eyed of your understanding be enlightened. May you increase in the knowledge of Him who has called you by name to be His witness. May you walk in the light of His Word and his unfailing truth. Let there be light loved ones , in you.