Saturday, March 25, 2017

Taste and see that the Lord is good

I sometimes brush my teeth with salt. Don't ask, it's a long story. Regardless I do this from time to time to enhance my brushing experience. However, I don't want to taste the salt in my mouth. So subconsciously I have kept my tongue away from the salt grains. I put the salt in but I never actually taste it.

It's funny because every time I do it I am reminded of the verse in Psalms 34:8:
"Taste and see that the Lord is good, blessed is the man that takes refuge in Him."  If I can avoid tasting salt even while it is in my mouth, have I been doing the same with God?

I wondered if I have been having Him all around me but never fully enjoying or taking Him all in? It's hard to explain what I mean but is He like salt in my mouth (life), that I never tasted. I don't know His goodness because I remain outside of who he is.

I don't know about any one else but I don't want a flavourless relationship.  I don't want to not experience for myself his goodness. I don't want to be so close and yet so far from Him. I want to taste him. It sounds weird but for a food lover like myself I get this verse. I want him to be my source of everything. He is the one that is good.

I get excited over good food. I enjoy tasting flavours that work and entice the buds to try more. God is better. So from here on out I will taste his goodness. I will eat of his word.  He is my good and won't give up carb.  He is my daily bread.