Wednesday, July 26, 2017

God hears you. God sees you.

This past Sunday I had an opportunity to go to the prison for services there. I love the women there and somehow God allows me to see them not as felons but as sisters. I see them as women who are worthy of God's grace and mercy just as I am. Murderers, adulterers, fornicators, liars and cheaters were some of us before Christ.

I sat listening to the speaker as she spoke from 2 Kings 20:1-7. The King was sick and he was told to set his house in order. A death sentence was given to him. He was ailing and would not recover. Ouch! Talk about bad news. When we receive that report from the doctors we can say no way, no how! What do you say when God is the sender of this report? What do you say if this is his word over your life? You will surely die. Think about it for a moment.

Well Hezekiah did what I imagine most of us would do. He turned his face to the wall and prayed. He turned his back to everything else around him and faced the impenetrable wall of doom and he cried out to God. The bible said he wept bitterly. He was not trying to hold on to the lie that men don't cry. This poor man cried real tears before his God.

What struck me at this point is that God heard and sent word. He changed the report and sent back the  prophet to the king. The prophet did not even have enough time to leave the palace and I imagine that while the words were still coming out of Hezekiah's mouth God sent His answers. He said to him I heard your prayers and I saw your tears.

For me that struck a chord within and brought such encouragement and delight. God hears me and sees me. He really really does! My prayers are not just going to the air with nobody on the other end. There is a connection on the other side of Heaven. God is on the line with me. He hears and he sees!!!

Friends this was what I needed to press in all the more to Him. This is what I needed to pray the prayers that I know will avail much. God brings the answers. Don't lose heart...just pray!