Sunday, December 20, 2020


 And so this is Christmas, and what shall we do?  This year, 2020, is not to be forgotten.  I know many of us want to pack it up and throw it out with the empty boxes in the nearest recycling bin.  However, I have a different proposal.  What if we instead look at it more closely, with pen and paper in hand, ready to take the notes of the things we have learnt about ourselves and others?  What if this Christmas, with mask and lock downs is the perfect time to show others that you remember them and you care?

In church this morning, my pastor talked about walking in service to God and others even as we face the impossible.  It was a reminder not to cease or become weary in the doing of good.  There is something we can do to help bring some good to someone else.  there is a neighbour that might just appreciate a box of chocolate or just a card with a heartfelt message of hope.  Maybe,  you have an extra bag of rice or flour and can spare to give it to another.  

You can still serve even when the prayers are unanswered (at least in your mind) and you don't know about your tomorrow.  You can shine your light so bright in your corner of the world so that others can see and worship the Father in heaven. It is possible that this Christmas you can be the gift, wrapped by God and given to others as a blessing.  It is possible that this Christmas is a call to shift our focus from what we don't have in our world to all that we do have, being recipients of God's favor.

Listen to me, this is not to trivialize or make light of anything you are now experiencing.  It is not easy and I am pretty sure that you may want to do anything but shine - twinkling lights or inner glow.  However, don't get stuck there.  God looks for those that will remain faithful even in the barrenness of  their lives.  He is "outmatched in His faithfulness" and will open the door of "provision and miracles"  in our lives as we avail ourselves to Him.

So, you decide how you will finish the title.  It is your choice really how it will end.  Let me remind you once again, of the lyric we have sung a time or two "And this Christmas will be...."

Merry Christmas.