Friday, May 27, 2022

One Step At A Time

 I read recently that the steps of a good man are ordered by God and that He delights in all his ways. It goes on to say that if this man falls that God will help him up. 

For me, these words bring comfort and encouragement. Why? Well on this up and down journey to lose weight, and feel great I love having a step by step coach. 

I was overwhelmed with the big picture view before me. I constantly resisted planning dinner at breakfast. I've been frustrated with the plans I made for the week going awry with my self appointed "leftover eater"  job title. 

Excercise was always in the plan but work and health wrecked every good intention.  Am I complaining? A little. 

However, I realize it's okay to not be perfect. It's okay to get up again even after falling numerous times. It's okay to ask for help - divine help. 

So I am leaning into this verse from Psalm 37. Step by step God orders and establishes a plan of success for me.  One meal at a time. One movement at a time. Good enough for this girl.

Heavenly Father, I thank you for your direction. I am unable to do this solo. Obviously, I am not good at leading myself. I praise you for helping me up every time I fall. Into your hands I commit this diet for health Strength and wealth in Jesus name Amen.