Friday, April 29, 2011

History has been made

The Prince of Wales, William Mountbatten-Windsor (yes he has a last name) and Kate Middleton were married today, this 29th day of April, 2011!  They are now the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.  I am very happy for the couple.  Now I must admit that I had no intention of rousing myself from sweet vacation slumber to watch the LIVE viewing from BBC.  Yet, there I was squeezing my eyes tight pretending to sleep while my mind was wide awake.  So I watched.  
But as I watched I couldn’t shake the urgency to pray.  I thought of Charles and Diana.  I remembered watching their wedding as a little girl.  We never thought that their marriage would collapse as it did. We never saw ahead to her very tragic end.  We never saw the ending, when on that 29th day of July in 1981 (was it strategic for their son to be also married on the 29th?) they made their vows to love until death.
Back then I really didn’t care much.  Today, I most certainly do.  I prayed.  I prayed that their marriage would last, until death do they part.  They have the responsibilty to be always in the public eye, after all they are not your average Joes.  I cannot begin to imagine how much pressure that may be for them.  I prayed that the pressure from the media would not cause their bond to weaken.  I prayed that their bed would be undefiled, as the bible tells me that marriage bed is undefiled.  I prayed that nothing will be able to pull them apart. I prayed that they would have children, whom they would raise to know God.  I prayed that they would know Jesus for themselves.  I prayed that the legacy they leave behind would be the testimony of a wonderful gospel and the saving power of a generous God.

I don’t know these people, and I am almost certain that I will never see them or meet them.  Likewise, you may not know them.  But I urge you, I beg you to pray for them.  Pray in faith believing that God who hears and answers prayer will move in their lives and keep them safe, and save their souls. 

Thursday, April 28, 2011

This one's for you


Today I saw “For Colored Girls”.  I have never before watched a movie that pulled so much from me.  I have shed more tears than I can remember for a long time.  The stories of these women, coloured women, affected me to the core. Was it my own brown skin that connected me to them?  No.  It wasn’t.  Yet I empathized with all of them.  I followed their lyrical prose and felt touched to my soul.
 My mind replayed my own scenes, a curtain was pulled back and I saw all the ugly I thought I had forgotten.  My tears became like the water that runs through the gutters of the streets.  They washed the filth and garbage away.  I kept thinking God, this is too much. I can’t watch any more.  Yet I couldn’t stop myself. I had to see the end.  I had to see if in the darkness light would pierce through.  Did anyone get better?  Did anyone stop crying?  Is this the heritage of being a woman of colour? Pain?  Hurt? Brokenness?  Is it only through these hardships we are to become as they have said we are?   Strong? Resilient?  Independent?   It makes no sense to me.  I don’t get it. What is this fable that keeps perpetuating itself, year after year, generations after generations? 
I cried for myself.  I mourned;   Big, loud, ugly sounds escaped my lips.  Oh God!  It was not for me, but more for all the women of any and every colour that has been so tragically violated by the face of a loved one.  She was right.  The boogie man had been given the right to be there.  He was not the face of a stranger.  Oh how I understood that so well.  I wept and wept and wept some more for those women that have been left alone, surrounded by so many but no one hearing her, no one seeing her. 
What “For Colored Girls” failed to show was that healing was not just an awareness of self and the root of the problem and “issues”.  Holiness cannot be within oneself without the presence of God.  The only religious reference was made to appear foolish and mocked by her white dresses and ineffective prayers, candles and oils.  It was ridiculed. But be not deceived, for God is not mocked.  He does for us, what no man or woman can ever do. He is the source of light from this darkness we find ourselves in at different times in our lives. He is the sanity in the madness. He is the straight in a winding road. He is the source of life in our death.
I sit here now and I remember how I was rescued by the hands that now hold me forever.  I remember how I thought I would never again be okay, but then I was. I remember how I felt alone and ashamed, and then how the nights of guilt were taken away. I remember how I was so lost and how now I am found.  I remember being so broken and now being made whole by Jesus Christ my Lord.

So here I am, this girl of colour.  I say to you my sisters across God’s wonderful colour wheel, black, white, yellow or blue, be no longer discouraged and beaten, distressed and depressed; there is a friend for you too.  He will be found when you seek Him with all your heart and soul.  He will never leave nor will he ever forsake you.  He will be with you when no-one else can or may want to.  Your tears and burdens He will carry for you.  I know what I am talking about.  I have been a recipient of all of this and so much more.  He loves you sister and calls you His own.  No tricks, no dance, nothing more required.  Just come to Him – Jesus is calling your name.


Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Who has you under a spell?


Romans 12:15 (New International Version, ©2011)
15 Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn.
I have read this verse so many time before but never before have I been as impacted by it as I was this last week.   A friend, well I guess I should say acquaintance, lost a loved one recently.  In my concern, I decided to reach out and send words of encouragement.  However, it was not received well.  Somehow, the lack of communication throughout the years has made it an offense to send words of condolences and support.  I heard also of good news from a recently married couple who were expecting a baby in a few months.  Again to offer words of congratulations was received with a face that was made up and the words “How did YOU know?  I can’t believe that the news have spread so far”.  Mind you this couple went to a public event and he forgot to hide his wife in a paper bag, who was showing to the world.  Perhaps the offense was because I was not a part of the closely knit circle of friends and family.  My congratulations and condolences became a sore point as opposed to rejoicing and mourning with those who are rejoicing and mourning.

I honestly felt like saying the line from Star Trek, “Beam me up Scottie!”  This must be a parallel universe that I was transported into and I wanted out.  When did people exchange the truth for a lie?  When did we become so deceived that the word of God becomes something you have to think about because in following the literal meaning you become the source of distress and upset?  I became angry – not at the two people, but at the lies of the devil.  It has become a world in which what is right is now wrong and what is wrong is now right.  He has turned this world upside down and the deception has snaked itself into the church. 

I felt like shouting out as Paul did  1 You foolish Galatians! Who has bewitched you? … 3 Are you so foolish? After beginning by means of the Spirit, are you now trying to finish by means of the flesh?[a] 4 Have you experienced[b] so much in vain—if it really was in vain? 5 So again I ask, does God give you his Spirit and work miracles among you by the works of the law, or by your believing what you heard? 6 So also Abraham “believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness.”[c] (Galatians 3).
Christians are terrified and remaining silent in their suffering when they should be speaking.  They are speaking when they should be silent, creating fear by the power of their tongues, speaking death and not life unto themselves.  I am not using this to exhale, but as a wakeup call to all who will read.  We are blinded and walking in mute acceptance of this upside down alternate world we live in, but I believe it is time to trade the lies for the truth…trading it all for the joy of the Lord.

Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Choose ye this day...

Choose ye this day…the Prime Minister of Canada 2011
Harper, Ignatieff, Layton, Duceppe, May
Canadians have been subjected to the political campaigns by the different parties.  They have had to endure the good the bad and the ugly, each leader vying for the votes of the citizens of Canada.  I asked the question some days ago, “what if you choose neither?”  Is there a box that gives the option of none of the above?  I have never been a political expert, never much caring for the promises that are often times just a comfort to a fool.  So to get the details I have looked to websites such as, which nicely summarizes the “party in a “nutshell””.   
The Bloc Quebecois
Party in a “nutshell”: Believes that Quebec is an autonomous nation. Believes that Quebec has been ignored and deserves its “fair share.” Believes that the Harper Govt. has neglected Quebec and that the other parties will do the same.
The Conservative Party of Canada
Party in a “nutshell”: Believes that this election was unnecessarily called and that the country did not want it.  Tough on crime and security by investing in prisons, policing and our armed forces. Wants to keep taxes low and concerned with economic growth. The party is situated at the Right of the political spectrum. The rest of the party’s mandate can be found here
The Liberal Party of Canada
Party in a “nutshell”: In this election, the party is making dedicated efforts to appeal to the “everyday” Canadian. The party boasts a strong historical background and is wanting to reclaim power after bringing down the Conservative budget and accusing the Conservative party of being in contempt of parliament. The party believes that Harper’s policies have been more catered towards corporate Canada and have destroyed the foundations of democracy via the constitutional violations of the past 3 years. The Liberal party is ideologically positioned at the Centre of the political spectrum, reaching out to moderate voters as they have the ability to be fiscally conservative or socially conscious.
The New Democrat Party of Canada
Party in a “nutshell”: Family, student and newcomer oriented, the party is making aggressive attempts to brand themselves as the party for working class Canadians, and for the most part, they have been. Known as a party that supports and draws support from unions, the NDP is now challenging the Conservatives and most specifically the Liberals (in attempts to sway Liberal voters to the NDP) on issues of being “out of touch” with the average Canadian highlighting the negative track records of both parties. Through a series of commercials and ads, the NDP is targeting Ignatieff in particular, emphasizing his lack of attendance in the House of Commons and that true “leadership” is needed. The party falls on the Left of the political spectrum.
The Green Party of Canada
Party in a “nutshell”: “Smart economy, true democracy, strong communities,” -this is the Green party’s motto and brand for this election. The party is seen as an activist party, calling into question, matters of power and environmental abuse. Primarily focused on environmental conservation.

Well folks there you have it, in a nutshell.  Now who would you choose?  Out of the five, who would you give your one vote?  Your vote that is by the way very powerful.  It is your voice, your say in the leadership of your country.  I once heard, “It is a dead man that does not speak”.   As Canadians we still have that right to state our opinion and to choose.  It reminds me of the story of Joshua as he faced the Israelites and told them “Choose ye this day whom you will serve?”  In a way, that is the same decision that is being asked of you today.  Choose. As for me, I would wish that we could have a leader that tells you honestly what they will do; that will not compromise on integrity and morality once in office.  I am looking for a leader that will honour God without apology.  I am looking for a leader that will not bow down to the devil and his demands.  I am looking for a LEADER that will lead as God directs him/her.  Is that an impossible list to be included in the platform? Be it so or not, on May 2nd we will all have our the right to CHOOSE.
By: Engada

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Pregnant with Possibilities

Mary’s Song
I remember not long ago
In a holy place, upon my floor
The voice of the Lord came unto me
“You are pregnant and it’s for me”

My heart seized with fear
Doubted the words were true
I just could not be
The one He would choose

He eased my mind
Erased my fears
Cleansed my hands
And wiped my tears

Daughter, you are pregnant
Fear not, it is my will
That inside you carry
The life that I give

You are my vessel
I choose to fill you
With this gift of life
For my sovereign will

The name already
I have chosen for you
Possibility Potential
It grows within you

Take heart my daughter
Guard it with care
Be careful to obey
And always to hear

This child I have given
Is not only for you
He is for a nation
I have birthed within you

I am pregnant says the Lord
The God of my Fathers
Pregnant for His purpose
Pregnant by His will

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Though the Mountains Be Shaken

Though the Mountains Be Shaken

On March 26, 2011 I woke up feeling really good.  I had my Myah over with me and we were set to enjoy the day together.  Swimming lessons at 12:30pm, lunch and perhaps we would sing songs from Tree House.  My cell phone rang, interrupting whatever thoughts were zooming about in my head.  The face of the phone revealed my younger sister.  I knew.  I knew before I reached for it that something had gone terribly wrong. I knew it even before the feeling of dread became palpable to me.  I answered to hear her sobbing into the phone.  When my baby sister (and I use the term only to show the way we saw her in the family) cries, it really tugs at your heart strings. You feel an urgency to jump in and fix whatever is causing her distress.  So I was prepared mentally for what she told me, “I met in an accident. I hit someone’s car.” 

This statement by itself was not devastating. But she was on her way to receive physiotherapy for a previous accident only one week earlier.  She had just picked up Jimmy (God bless GMC) from the body shop the night before only to have the metal crushed again on the other side.  My sister in law galvanized into action, going to be with her as I took Myah swimming.  With that, I asked for the prayer warriors to begin praying.  My older sister, mother, aunt and grandmother were all away for a holy ghost filled conference that weekend.  I sent word to them and they began to earnestly pray life over my sister. 

So, as the day continued, God worked a miracle sending help from strangers to her assistance.  Witnesses of the accident, drove down the man who caused her to swing into the other lane, obtained his plate information and returned to give it to my sister.  They gave their details to her and that was the evidence the police used to charge him and not her.  God is good. 
She came over, in pain but thankfully alive.

The story really changed when one hour after returning home my sister went into a melt down literally. That was the moment I became filled with fear and anxiety.  I can only describe the events as someone in the throes of an epilectic seizure.  She crumbled to the floor and I felt helpless. Reaching for the phone I dialed for help only to be placed on hold – waiting for 911 emergency operators to replace the recorded greeting.  I heard myself screaming for help.  I think of it now and it felt like I was outside of my body observing everything from a distance. I sobbed loudly and after what seemed like forever, explained what was happening to the lady on the phone – finally. 

I remember that I started to plead the blood of Jesus, demanding that whatever this thing was flee from her body immediately. I remember how my insides felt shaken and off center.  So fear sat upon us both.  She came around, and the EMT workers decided that she was okay after speaking with her. They never saw her – no-one did.  Just me and God.
I don’t know what happened, but I know that a miracle occurred and healing was given.

The hours passed and I felt glued to her side. I was fearful of her going into another episode and hurting herself.  Then my older sister called.  I could hardly concentrate on the words she spoke as mind replayed in multiples the event of the day. 

But then she gave us instructions – go into a time of prayer and praise. I heard her, and I understood and agreed with her. I just didn’t feel like it.  But, we did. Romans 8 was our medicine.  I read it out loud to my baby sister and then we prayed.  As we forced our bodies to do this that the Lord had commanded I finally had my release.  It occurred to me that God’s love is protective but it is not preventative. James MacDonald spoke on that topic earlier in the week. The words he spoke flooded my memory.  I was also reminded of the bible verse my prayer partner and I read that Thurday prior:

10 Though the mountains be shaken
   and the hills be removed,
yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken
   nor my covenant of peace be removed,”
   says the LORD, who has compassion on you. (Isaiah 54:10)

From this experience, I have finally understood that things happen that we don’t like or want. As Christians we are not excluded from pain in this life. We are not exempt from trials and afflictions. We hurt and we experience sorrow.  But, and this is the part that makes us different, we have a God that remains with us through all of it. His covenant of peace does not move.  He loves us and will never forsake us. 

I really become emotional at the thought of Him.   I praise Him when I am up and when I am down. When I have plenty and when my baskets are empty. When my health is good and when I am the one seeking to touch His garment for healing. 

28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who[i] have been called according to his purpose. (Romans 8:28)

It's Time to Stop This by Anthony Nelson

My friend, who is a pastor of a church in Ontario sent this to me today.  I thought I would share it with you my silent readers (hi Jo, & Ken).  Be blessed.

What you are about to read and receive is a direct revelation from the Father to you. In the past, you may have left it in your inbox unread, opened it and acknowledged it or even sown a one-time gift as a thanks offering. Whatever, the case may be, the revelation is increasing, so let us as well. You are welcome to forward this teaching to others, recognizing the authorship. We continue to desire that your account would abound in season (Phil. 4:17).

It's Time to Stop This

Here we go again! Canadians are being asked, in the space of 7 years for the fourth time, to go to the polls and elect their 23rd Prime Minister. We have been asked to choose between Captain Picard of Star Trek that being, Stephen Harper, our incumbent and the three amigos, Michael Ignatieff, Jack Layton and Gilles Duceppe.

I'm not trying to be disrespectful of our leaders and belittle their roles, but it does seem to me that we have been here before and are asked to do the same exercise over again and again. I don’t know about you, but I don’t like to repeat things over and over again when there is no seeming profit in this other than someone getting more of the pie in his mouth so to speak.

I believe many of us face the same kind of Christian life. We get up every day and do the same thing over and over again. There is no joy in doing our devotions; no excitement in living for the Lord. The delight has gone and the duty becomes all we live for.

You know you're in trouble when you begin to live your Christian experience only in Psalms and you constantly ask the Lord to rescue you from your enemies. You know you are in trouble when devotions become something you squeeze in at night or on the way to work between your coffee and bagel.

I don’t know about you, but I know I have lost something, when worshiping the Lord is too long after 20 minutes and going to fellowship is a once a month activity, when sharing my faith is no longer automatic, but something I have to think about.

If you know what I am talking about you can decide in your personal walk with the Lord that I want more than this. I don’t want to live this way. I want to return to my first love.

Come, and let us return to the LORD; For He has torn, but He will heal us; He has stricken, but He will bind us up. (Hosea 6:1)

One of the greatest joys we have in being the Lord's children is that we have an in-built,  incoming signal that lets God know where we are at all times as He patiently waits for us to come to the point where we decide that enough is enough - that what we have accepted is not longer tolerable.

Rejoice not against me, my enemy; for if I fall, I shall arise. For if I sit in darkness, Jehovah is a light to me.  (Micah 7:8)

I was reading the book of Micah the other day and the condition of Israel, God's chosen, were such that their enemies had them in complete reproach. The laughter and scorn of Israel was known throughout the land. The best of them were corrupt and all their mighty men had fallen.

This was a result of the people's cooperate rejection of the Lord and their desire to forge their own alternatives to God's plan for people and for nations. The result was predictable.

Every great failure comes from within never from without. And the same is true for every step towards repentance and deliverance. It comes from a true heart that seeks to be restored to the Father's plan.

  • Israel had to repent, so do we. “If My people...." (2 Chron. 7:14)
  • Israel had to find their Creator and Father, so do we.
  • Israel had to submit to the Father's plan, so do we.
  • Israel had to humbly recognize that the Father knew best, so must we . “I know the plans I have for you…." (Jer. 29:11)

My brothers and sisters, I must admit this has been a very challenging winter for me (My first winter in my fifties). But in the midst of this time, I have found the Lord as my Restorer in a new way. He can restore your joy and lift you up out of whatever your situation is and give you a new walk with Him.

But you, dear friends, must come to a decision inside of you that decides I will arise from this place and return to my first love. It's not difficult, but it will demand courage and faith in God to obey His instructions as you decide to stop this train and get off.

 It is good to give thanks to the LORD, And to sing praises to Your name, O Most High; 2 To declare Your lovingkindness in the morning, And Your faithfulness every night, 3 On an instrument of ten strings, On the lute, And on the harp, With harmonious sound. 4 For You, LORD, have made me glad through Your work; I will triumph in the works of Your hands.  5 O LORD, how great are Your works!
         Your thoughts are very deep. Ps. 92:1-5

It's time for us to stop being conformed to everything around us and begin to walk in the fullness of the Lord's power and grace over our lives,

Apostle Anthony Nelson,
Team Leader