Sunday, December 29, 2013

He is worth it all

Today I went to church.  I was glad to be in the house of the Lord.  I was glad to hear the word that God would use to speak to me and with great expectations I was not disappointed. Pastor Jamie picked up the story from Matthew 2.  Mary and Joseph had just had a baby boy, Jesus, the Saviour.  It was not in a time of comfort and joy, but in the days of King Herod.  A king, I learned who was a "bad dude".  he reigned terror upon his subjects.  His heart was not for God and he killed ruthlessly as his will demanded.  This was the time in which the Price of Peace was born; a Saviour was born unto us this day.

The news of his birth caused Herod to be greatly distressed and all of Jerusalem with him.  Pastor asked the question that I didn't think of: why would all of Jerusalem be distressed as well?  Simple, if Herod was distressed then he would make everyone else around him feel his displeasure.  They were right to feel as they did, because many lives were lost because Jesus was born.  It was at that time that all the sons of the Jews, ages 2 and under were killed.  This was the time the life giver was born; a Saviour was born unto us this day.

As the message continued, Pastor Jaime spoke about Joseph.  Have you ever given much thought to Mary's husband, Joseph?  I know I haven't.  The bible says that he was a good man.  His fiancé was pregnant and he "...was a good man and did not want to disgrace her publicly, so he decided to break the engagement quietly."  (Matt 1:19).  We know that he was visited by angels on separate occasions.  The first time, " angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream....  "do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife." (Matt 1:20).  Matthew again records in chapter 2 "After the wise men were gone, an angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream.  "Get up!" Flee to Egypt." On both those times Joseph did what he was told.  He didn't argue, but he did exactly as instructed despite the immediate cost. 

Think about it.  He was not married to Mary, and everyone knew, but Mary's pregnancy would be made known in just about three months if not before.  His reputation might have been compromised as the consummation of the bethrowed would be frowned upon.  An engagement was serious and ending it would be like a divorce, but you were still not expected to be intimate until after the ceremony of marriage.  He was told to flee to Egypt and this meant starting all over again.  He would have find a place to live, a job to provide for his family, and his connection to his family would now be severed.  Yet, as he left behind all those things and maybe even more, he had with him the hope of the world.  Everything he lost was not comparable to this child.  This child was worth it all. 

Pastor's message was wrapped up in this last statement, if we lose it all and still have Christ we have everything.  Christ is our all in all. He is our help, our strength, our hope, our peace, our joy, our love.  He is Jesus, the Messiah, the Saviour. 

Thursday, December 26, 2013

Teach us to realize the brevity of life

I was reading through the book of Psalms and came across Psalm 90:12. It said "Teach us to realize the brevity of life, so we may grow in wisdom."  Immediately my mind began going through the list of people I have known that have died from one thing or another.  Life is brief, and yet we live as though we have forever. 

We think that there will always be a tomorrow.  So, we put off the things that ought to be done today until that infamous tomorrow.  What if tomorrow never comes?  What if this moment is all that we have left in this earthly life?  What if the chances we have to do the right thing, forgive, laugh, love, surrender to God, is right now because there is no tomorrow?  There is a song that the Winnans sing called Tomorrow and the lyric is "Tomorrow, I'll give my life tomorrow..." but tomorrow may be too late.

The Psalmist asks God to teach us to realize that this life is brief.  If we knew how little time we had, we would live our lives differently.  We would not procrastinate on things that were important.  We would appreciate the moments we do have.  We would treasure the gift of our lives.  We would be watchful over our words.  We would spend less time worrying and more time rejoicing.  We would bend our knees to Jesus Christ.  We would grow in wisdom.

Lord, teach us to realize that life is short and show us Lord how to live it.

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Merry Christmas To You

Today we did something we have never done before at my family's dinner party.  We listened to a sermon and then prayed as a family.  The morning began with the traditional family breakfast.  We ate and laughed a lot.  We were excited just to be together, and it was a time of enjoying the love of each other.  It was a gift in itself that we were all thankful to receive.

Dinner came with a grand spread of turkey, chicken, beef, salads, and other delights.  We saw faces we hadn't seen in years, had some new members (the more the merrier) and sat to enjoy the bounty of God's provision.  We played our games with the usual competitiveness and passionate disagreements.  We had fun, laughing and talking loud enough to resurrect Lazarus again from death.  It was after this that we changed the program.  My sister put on the hat of Reverend, and blessed us with a God inspired message.  Then she prayed for the families; marriages and the youth.  It was the right thing to do, and I believe with all my heart that God will honor her obedience.  He will also do the work in her and through her.  He will perform miracles in our lives.  He will make His face shine upon us and grant us His peace.

My friend, God's peace is given to you this day.  His peace surpasses whatever you thought it was before in any situation.  He has given you life today in the birth of his son.  His son is the reason for the season - give your heart to him today.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Giving God Lip Service?

Am I just giving God lip service?

Is my heart really for Him?

Do I turn to him only when I am in trouble?

Do I do right by others?

Are my motives honorable and God driven?

Am I worshipping idols of money, family, friends or self?

Do I really love God with all my heart and soul?


Today I wrote these questions down as they popped into my head. It was triggered by listening to Psalm 78 this morning.  (I listen to the WORD as I get ready as a way to multi-task and finish my commitment to read/listen to the entire book of Psalms).

Psalm 78:36

New Living Translation (NLT)

36 But all they gave him was lip service;
they lied to him with their tongues.


This verse stood out to me and got me thinking about myself.  I love that because I know that God is talking to me, getting my attention on some things that need work; His work.

As I mulled the questions over, I had no answers that popped immediately in my head. This is when I got this email from my cousin with these verses:

This is how God showed his love among us: He sent his one and only Son into the world that we might live through him. This is love: not that we loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as an atoning sacrifice for our sins. 1 John 4:9-10

We love because he first loved us. 1 John 4:19

For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. Whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because they have not believed in the name of God's one and only Son. John 3:16-18

He loves me whether or not I love Him.  Yes, I love him, but I only love him because He loved me first. The author of the blog, Gwen Smith, describes God’s love as a bridge.  His loves comes across to me and invites me to Him.  He spans the mess of my life, my rebellious nature that caused our separation, and says here is the bridge, come across to my eternal life and stand without condemnation.  His love gives me the gift of life through His son. His love handles my questions and gives me a picture of authenticity.

His love is beyond anything I will ever be able to find in a person or thing. His love was before me, and it will remain after me.

It is true; I don’t love him nearly enough and I wish I did.  It is true; there are times when I say I love you God but it is only with my lips and in my heart, He knows it is a lie.  It is true; there are times that my heart is hard towards Him and what He wants me to do.  It is all true, yet, He loves me anyway. 

The song writer says How many times do I go against your will and yet you still call my name?  I say, God, thank you for loving me anyways.

The verses I have read have acted like a tenderizer to my heart and I am determined to make my life about HIM. My friend told me on Wednesday that I go to church like he would go to a club, all excited and can’t wait to get in.  I want my entire being to be laced with that excitement – can’t wait to get into the presence of a God who loves me anyway.

Am I the only one?  Is this you as well?  God loves you anyway.

Monday, December 2, 2013

Silence and Simplicity

Today I cracked open a new Cd. This one was more special than the rest.  My little “sister”, Dionne Wilson, was the artist and composer.  This was her dream that she finally delivered.  She was pregnant with these ideas and creativity for a long time, and she did go through the pains of birth.  Like everyone who has ever gone through labour, the effort and hardship is ultimately worth it.  Her album is titled Beautiful Exchange and that is exactly how it can be described.


I can only tell you my reaction to the songs.  I listened to the first track and nodded in agreement. Time to change indeed, I thought.  The second track hit me unexpectedly; my reaction was immediate and it was gut wrenching.  “Come unto me in silence and simplicity” she sang. I knew that this was an invitation to me from my Heavenly Father.  I knew that He was calling me to Him, away from the distractions that recently have caused my eyes to shift focus.  I knew that He found me, when I wasn’t even looking for Him this very ordinary Monday morning.  I knew that His voice was behind her voice, and He was calling me “Come unto me”…we don’t have to say a word… but let my heart make that call.  I heard myself sobbing and I am tearing up again, because I am amazed by Him.  Why does He come after me? Why does He seek me out?  Why do I matter to Him so much?  Why does He love me?


There is the temptation to feel guilty, because I know myself and I tell you the truth, I don’t always think right, act right, talk right or walk right.  I felt guilty because I have not been in a Sunday service for so long (my sister has been home).  I felt guilty because I have read through so many books and still have not finished the book of Psalms.  The temptation to feel guilty is always overwhelming.  Yet, here He is, knowing all of my shortcomings and beyond and calling me to Come in Silence and Simplicity. 


I would like you to hear His invitation to you today as well. Perhaps you are distracted by the cares of this world. Maybe you feel that you have gone too far to ever face Him again. Maybe your issue is that you just don’t know how to come unto God. Maybe you don’t like being so transparent and vulnerable. However, He is not into fuss and fluff – silence and simplicity.  Come if you are weary. Come just to be in His presence and allow your heart to make the call of whether or not you speak.  Whatever you do while in His presence, just “Come”.  He invites you today Beloved…Just come.