Sunday, May 31, 2015

The attack on our youth

On Saturday morning, I rose up early to get on the prayer line.  My alarm went off at 6am and I forced myself out of bed to steal away to the privacy of the den.  It was then I heard the handle of our front door turning around.  I assumed it was some family member and did not move.  It was not.  My mom called me down and there was a seriousness to her voice that had my attention.

On our door step was a wisp of a boy, a 17y/o boy.  His clothes were rumpled up, his jacket lying on the porch floor.  He was under the influence of something and might have slept on our front porch.  Who could tell?  His arms bore the bruises of the being pressed up against a grid for a long time.  I saw him and my heart broke. 

In that moment I didn't care about anything else but him. It was the love of God that poured out of me for this young boy. As he looked lost and confused I saw him for who he was - a soul that desperately needed a saviour.  Tears filled my eyes and as I touched his arm, I asked "what happened to you?"
As he started talking I knew that I had to help him.  Somehow he ended up on my doorstep, neither of us knowing each other, but I felt like he was led there by God.  He told me that a man told him to go to the forest and he will be safe there.  The man disappeared and he found himself at my house.

I somehow got his address and I drove him home. 

This young man with his life ahead of him had somehow found himself in trouble.  I doubt very much he will even be able to remember what has happened or even that I dropped him home. I told my nephew and all he said was "sad reality".  Is this it?  Is this the norm of today? 

My friends, we have to be the light in the darkness for those that are lost.  We have to help the generation coming behind us.  They are under attack.  The devil seeks to kill them all. I am praying that my heart and yours will be tender towards them.  That we will not be hardened against them because they look different, act different or are different.  There is a mandate out for them to be destroyed but God's will is for them to live.

Father break our hearts for the people, young and old, that do not know you today.  Let us not stand in judgement of them, but instead let us extend mercy and compassion. Lord help us to look like you in kindness, love, long-suffering and faithfulness.  In Jesus' name, Amen.

I won't let go until you bless me

I won’t let go

What about me Lord?  When will it be my turn?  Tell me, is there a time when you have said this very same thing?  You know, the time your friend came and was telling what God did for them and you wondered silently, Lord what about me? 

I know this has been my questions even as I smiled and congratulated my friend.  It has been a running thought even as my lips said I am so happy for you and I lifted my hands in thanksgiving for that person that is in their season of plenty.  I am wondering now if I may be the only one.  Is it wrong to ask God these things? 

Some months ago, I was thinking of my sister. I started to sing a song that God gave me and it asked

“What will become of me?  What will I do?  Where is the help the Oh God that only comes from you....Where is the beauty from my ashes? Where is the healing from the pain? Where is the joy everlasting?”

I wrote those words down as I sang them and today it is fitting to me.  What about me Lord?  When is it going to be my turning around? What about my blessing?

I have found one other person whose life speaks to what I am asking now. Jacob.  Jacob wrestled with God and it was as if in that time he was asking him these questions.  He wanted something from him and he was relentless in his pursuit of God’s blessings.

The question I ask myself is am I relentless in my pursuit of God’s blessings.  I want what he has for me but am I willing to seek His face?  Am I willing to put aside my agenda and invest my time into His word?  More often than I am proud of I don’t look for Him.  I don’t try to find His will for me. I don’t seek him to find Him.  Yet, I moan and groan Lord what about me.

Today, I want to be like Jacob, wrestling with God, persistent in holding unto Him, unwilling to let Him go.  I won’t let go until you bless me Lord and even then, I won’t let go.