Sunday, April 5, 2020

But God

My Pastor, Ron Binda, in a recent "virtual sermons, asked the question, "Who has the final say?  We know the answer and we sing the songs "Jehovah has the final say!"  Jehovah has the final word on all things, as much as we would like to believe otherwise.  Jehovah - not me and not you.  Jehovah.

He reminded us that whether we are in the pit or the palace as Joseph found himself, there was a final say that was spoken by God.  God always has a plan and according to the word, it will not be undone.  His WORD will be fulfilled and His will be done here on earth as it is in Heaven.

In fact, He is the But that keeps calamity and destruction and death from having its way in our lives.  You see, when evil shows up and is ready to bring us down in the pit or to imprison us for life there is a BUT GOD that cannot be denied.  But God's mercy is rich and full and available to those who are His.  But God is why we are not consumed. But God causes us to be undefeated.  But God meant it for good even the though the enemy meant it for good.  "But God"  makes us able to stand upright even in the storm.

You should have been dead - but God.  You should have lost your mind - but God.  You should be a hot mess - but God!

Rejoice and be glad for the BUT GOD in our lives!

These are the days

These are the days when...

Phrases like social distance is commonly used from juniors to seniors.

Zoom is the choice of millions who are now thrust into a virtual world for church and meetings.

Coughing can get you killed as it did for a man in Jamaica.

Death tolls are in the millions and climbing.

Washing hands is now not just a suggestion but mandatory to save lives.

Cash is rejected and card is accepted.

Clubs and resorts are closed but the LCBO remains open.

Domestic abuse is on the rise but crime is down.

Schools have closed their doors but the cyber class rooms are now opened.

Working from home is not a perk but  mandated.

Everyone has a solution and propaganda is passed on from one person to the next.

Hospitals are out of beds, masks and ventilators.

Fear and anxiety stifles hope and peace.

These are the days.

Zephaniah wrote thousands of years ago these words from the Lord:

"I will bring distress on men, so that they will walk like blind men.  Because they have sinned against the Lord, their blood  will be poured out like dust and their flesh like dung.  Neither their silver nor their gold will be able to deliver them on the day of the Lord's wrath.  But the whole earth will be consumed by the fire of His jealousy, for He will make a sudden end of all those who dwell on  the earth."  (Zep 1:17-19).

These words tell me that God is in charge of us.  He is a Holy God and in these days it is evident that we are not in control of anything.  Everything that we relied upon, that we expected to continue is laid to dust before us.  As bodies fill the graves, money means nothing.  Kings and princes  are equal to peasants and commoners.  No one can escape.  No one can save themselves.  These days are a foreshadow of what is to come - the Great and Terrible Day of the Lord that Zephaniah prophesied about - days that look so close to these days it shakes me.

These are the days to repent and know our God.  These are the days to return with wailing and in humility.  "Seek the Lord, all you humble of the land, who carry out His judgment.  Seek righteousness, seek humility.  Perhaps you will be hidden on the day of the Lord's anger." (Zep 2.3).

These are the days....

If I knew Then What I know Now

I am sitting here at my dining room table with the light streaming through the windows and the sheer curtains.  I am sitting here missing my brother and my sister in law, my grand-niece, grandson and aunt.  I am sitting here and thinking if I knew that today was going to be like this, I would have done things differently.

Today, I, like the rest of the world, is on lock down because a virus known as COVID19.  This will mark the history books and has changed the way we do things prior to 2020. The visits we took for granted, the hugs, the kisses, the fellowship all are now a "no no" in our COVID19 world.

It makes me think I should have hugged my family and friends a lot more.  I should have had that coffee with my friend.  I should have gone to lunch.  I should have taken the time to do more with the people that mattered to me the most.  I should have kissed the cheeks of my little students who I love more than I realized.  If only I knew then what I know now.

So, lesson learnt to myself.  I will not miss opportunities for contact.  I will take the time to spend with those I love and lean to love those I struggle with right now.  I know now and will no longer have the ignorance as my excuse.  I will not go back to my social distancing but will draw even closer.  I never know what will happen tomorrow - no one knows.  However, I can take advantage of what I know today. I know now and so do you.