Thursday, December 1, 2011

Remembering My Dad

In Honor of My Dad – Charles A.

I was thinking about my Dad this morning. I cry over his loss some times – even now. So many moons ago and still the memory is fresh to me.  I guess that feeling never goes away, it just gets bearable.  How I wish I could go back in time and have him here.  But only God knows why.  He was a good man; as good as he could be in his own strength. He was kind.  He understood. Isn’t it funny how you only see better in reflections and memory as opposed to up close and personal?  Hind sight is always 20/20.

I imagine what it would be like if he were alive today.  I see myself hugging him and listening to his heart beat.  I see myself laughing and talking to him.  I can see his smiling face in my mind.  I can hear his booming laughter.  I miss him so much now. 

It hurts most because I never fully appreciated his presence until I had it no more. You never know a good thing until its gone is what people have said.  They are right. 

Henceforth, I am determined to tell the people I love today that I love them. I am quick to forgive and let things go.  I am moved to give freely and expect nothing.  I am inspired to be my father’s daughter – a friend to everyone.

Please don’t wait for death to say the nice things about the people you love.  Don’t wait until then to search for the positive things about them.  We have always been told give the roses while they are still alive.  As the year draws closer to an end, let this be our mission in life – to love each other.

“Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth” 1John 3:18

“Three things will last forever--faith, hope, and love--and the greatest of these is love.”
1 Corinthians 13:13

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