Saturday, May 12, 2012

God is my vision

What are my expectations of God?
 Are they greater, bigger, better, best?
Today, I read from Oswald Chambers
"My Utmost For His Highest", and it
Started me thinking. Actually, it was more
Than that. It reminded me of what I had forgotten
And gave me a fresh revelation at the same
When I have no vision, I will cast off restraints
(Proverbs 29:18). Here is the revelation;
Of what or whom is my vision? Oswald, combined
With the revealer Himself, lifted my eyes to
My vision must be of God. It cannot be focused
Around my mortal imaginings, but of One
Far greater than myself.
Jesus, the 2nd part of the trinity. He is far greater
Than I. He is my vision.

As I sat, praying the lyrics from forever Jones
"You Can Do Anything" surrounded my consciousness.
My vision saw a God who could do anything.
"He walked on water, turned water into wine,
God of creation, Saviour divine...beyond my wildest
Dreams...(God can do anything)

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