Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Marriage is God Ordained

This morning as I drove into work, I heard the most shocking news report about marriages. There is a dating web site that is specifically designed for cheaters.  They did a survey and found that Ottawa and Calgary (Canada) had the highest number of cheating spouses.  I was left in open mouthed wonder that there was such a site in the first place.  How could someone facilitate something that is so wrong, so destructive and so hurtful?  Lives are involved; children, wives, husbands - real people that if the truth were exposed could be devastated in the wake of it.

I opened my mouth to pray, but nothing eloquent was uttered. I was heart broken.

A few days before, I found out that a co-worker was now separated from her husband.  Again, lives are affected beyond just her and her husband.  They have children.  Her parents are also affected as she moved back home.  The ripple effects are far reaching.

I don't know who I am speaking to at this time, but let me tell you that this is not how God planned this.  This perversion of marriage is not from Him.  God honours the marriage of a man and woman.  He says the bed is undefiled.  He instituted marriage, and even likened the church to a bride and His son Jesus as the bride-groom.  Marriage the way God intended does not cause hurt, it does not promote dishonesty and it is not self seeking, record keeping of wrongs, rude or unkind. 

The bible says husbands love your wives just as Christ Loves the church.  Wives submit to your husbands as the head of the house hold.  Is that what is happening today?  If you are married, is this your guide book for your marriage?

Listen to me, it is time to do things the way God intended. God hates divorce. He does.  He says instead what God has joined together let no man put asunder. 

I could go on and on, as I feel so passionate about this.  Loved ones, commit your marriage to the Lord and He will honour it.  He will preserve it. He will enrich it. He will mature it. He will refine it. He will protect it.

Please follow the link for verses on marriage as God intended.

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