Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Arise and let us be going

Truly, I must say the thoughts that I am about to share were planted from someone else.  I was reading Oswald Chambers My Utmost for His Highest and was inspired.  He communicated that when we realize we have not seized an opportunity, we tend to fall into despair.  Isn't that true?  He goes on to say that when faced with this despair, "...Jesus Christ comes and says - "Sleep on now, that opportunity is lost forever, you cannot alter it..."  If I were to end here, you would not only be in despair but certainly, this might cause you to sink further down the emotional pit of defeat and hopelessness.  For me, my eyes couldn't wait to get to the end of this sentence.  I needed to find hope.  Oswald continues, "...but arise and go to the next thing."  That is the answer.

I have spent a considerable amount of time bemoaning my many "missed opportunities".  I have prayed for some of them to return so that I may take advantage of the do over.  I have kicked myself and spent time trying to re-build the windows as it were of opportunities.  All have been a waste of time.  What I needed to do was as Oswald said, Arise and go to the next thing.  It sounds so simple.  Is this really all I need to do?  Oswald explains that to do this we must "Let the past sleep...on the bosom of Christ and go into the irresistible future with Him."  Jesus had compassion on his disciples and gave them that grace when they missed their opportunity.  Instead of watching, they slept as Jesus prayed.  I could imagine how they felt when he woke them up.  They were caught sleeping on the job and maybe they were ready to beat up themselves about it.  Jesus, didn't allow them to wallow in self pity and despair, "Rise, let us be going".  Move on.  They couldn't watch and pray with Jesus.  It was already too late.  The time was past. 

Can you relate to this?  I can.  So, let us move past those things that we should have done, could have done and even would have done.  The time for that is gone and it is time to move on to the next window of opportunity with Christ.  As I started with Oswald I will finish with him, "Never let the sense of failure corrupt your new action." Arise and let us be going. (Matthew 26:46)

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