Monday, January 5, 2015

God Says Don't Be Afraid

God says "Don't be afraid".  These are the words I have been teaching my two year old grand-niece. We were reading through the book of Isaiah and I wanted to give her something to chew on, so that when she is old she will have that Word in her. We had been practicing this verse for at least a month if not more.  So on one night I said to her, "Go down stairs and get your pull ups."  She replied, "I can't. I'm scared." I jogged her memory saying " God said?" She replied "Don't be afraid!"  We shouted it out loud for all the monsters in the dark to hear us.  We chanted and clapped our hands, all geared up to face the darkness, or so I thought.  I said, "Ok, go now."  She looked at me, looked at the stair case and said "I'm scared."

After all our rehearsing and chanting she was still the same as she was before we began.  Afraid.  It reminded me of us.  We know the word.  We have it all memorized, underlined, written down and the works. Still we are unchanged.  Why is that?  Do you remember the story of the man that came to Jesus who said in one breath, I believe I believe.  Oh Lord help my unbelief.  I find that most times this is our story.  We are missing that last step - believe.  We somehow miss the mark as doubt, fear and the cares of this world choke out the very word that is our source of life and strength.  We remain unchanged because we say the words with our mouths but our hearts are far from it.

Think about it. How many unbelievers do you know that know the scripture verses and could perhaps quote it better than yourself?  They know it but the application of that very word is missing from their lives. They don't really believe it to be an absolute truth.  Just like you and I sometimes.  We miss the mark. 

That night, I looked at my niece and said to her, "Sometimes we need a little help."  I went with her down the stair case where she could get what I sent her for in the first place.  God knows that we are like this little girl and we need help.  I believe this is why he constantly reminds us "So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.", Isaiah 41:10 (NIV).

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