Saturday, April 4, 2015

I Give You Me God

I have a new song.
The lyrics have been inside my head and have now escaped the confines of my mind. It is about the offering.  What do I have to bring? Think about it.
What is it that you could possibly give to God?  When I think that he already owns the earth and all that dwell therein,  well it leaves me with very few choices if any at all.  

So I asked myself again, what do I have to bring to God? What is worthy of a king? With nothing in my hands I finally realized that what He wants is me.

He gives me a choice. He actually asks, will you come? When I think I just can't, he reminds me of His son. Jesus already paid the price. He made himself a sacrifice.  Yet he will not demand, but He asks will you give me yourself?

So I give Him me. I give Him all of me. It really is fitting for  I belong to Him.

Friend, will you give Him yourself? It is offering time and he wants you. Will you place yourself as an offering to Him today?

Thursday, April 2, 2015

The Day that Heaven Cried by B Bahadoor




The sky was dark… a dark heavy gray

Black clouds hung overhead

Threatening to fall that day

The deserted street was lifeless

Not a footprint, not a sound

Then ever so lightly a drop of water fell from the clouds

The world seemed to freeze as the drop hit the ground

All hell broke loose, and the silence was shattered with sound

The dark clouds exploded in fury

The winds howled like wolves that were hungry

Yet His voice carried above the winds


Why have you forsaken me?

Glass shattered……Curtains torn in pieces

Thunder boomed…..Lightning illuminated

As the Father turned away in hatred

A gust of wind……then stillness

His last breath…………then silence

As He died

No one knows what happened that day,

The day that Heaven cried

Written By: Brittney Bahadoor