Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Sin is at the door

I have been going through the book of Genesis. My journey into it is really just at the beginning.  So it is interesting to note that sin was from the beginning.  In case you had forgotten, it was in the very garden of Eden that Eve desired the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh and the pride of life.  From that moment, sin caused shame, fear, blame and the disconnect between man and God. 

Sin, destroys while deceiving us as the serpent did to Eve.  Sin, allows you to think that you are in control.  It gets you to believe that you will win.  Sin crouches at the door and it seeks to devour you and I, but you must master it. 

Eve fell prey.  Cain, her son, fell prey. Murder. Lies.  Guilt. Shame.  Sin grew to full contamination of the entire population of the world. Men boasted of how they would kill anyone who crossed them.  They saw themselves as equal with God.  In their hearts they believed they were God.  It caused our creator to regret making mankind.  In the days of Noah, God had his limit.  He wiped out everyone except the only righteous man left. Noah and his family.

Today we have been given grace.  We are under the covenant that God made with man.  He says never again will he erase us by flood.  Yet, do not be lulled into thinking that you can do as you wish. Do not be deceived thinking that God has gone "soft".   God said to Cain, you must master it, instead he allowed it to cause him to kill Able.  Friends, sin is at the door, do not let it get the upper hand.  Do not invite it in. Do not be deceived.  Do not be mastered by sin.

Im not worthy

On September 14th, I celebrated my birthday.  I turned 41 years old and for me it was an experience.  My family had planned a "surprise" dinner to celebrate the event. I thought as we gathered together, I am not worthy.  On the day of, I went to work and received beautiful yellow roses from one colleague, a huge cup-cake from another and the entire upper management singing at my office door, Happy Birthday to You.  I was moved to tears by then because in my mind I said I am not worthy.

That's how most of us feel when we are called by God.  Jesus, the bridegroom, has sent out to us an invitation to the feast prepared by His father.  The oxen and fattened cattle has been prepared, the table set and all is ready.  He calls us all, the good and the bad to this feast.  Yet, we turn away.  We seek instead the things that pleases our flesh.  We fill up on the feast of the world, junk food and empty calories.  We disqualify ourselves because all along we have felt that we were not worthy. 

Today, I say to you that you are called. You decide whether or not you choose to accept his invitation.  The lies by the enemy have been exposed and you are worthy, you do qualify.  So choose today, will you come and taste the goodness of God?  Will you attend dressed in the wedding garments he has prepared?  Many are called but only a few are chosen.  Beloved, you are worthy.  Jesus qualifies you.  Say yes and He will do the rest.  All is ready.  The work is done.  Come to the wedding feast, come celebrate and rejoice.  (Matthew 22:1-14)

Friday, September 4, 2015

God is Watching Over

This week I have been soaking in messages all geared to the theme of God is Watching.  It has been so good to realize that I am not alone in my walk on this earth.  I think of the many times I have felt alone and how far from the truth that has been.  God's eyes has always been upon me. I know, that for you, it might not be all comforting. You may feel that it is kind of creepy being in a glass bowl, being watched all the time.  Yet, it is not the same as a fish being observed from the outside of the tank. 

It is not like the movies that shows the gods, Zeus and all his co-gods, being high above in some celestial palace, drinking wine and eating chocolates, while we fumble around in our humanity below.  No. God watches over His children.  He waits  to bring us comfort and provision.  He leads us along the still waters, and causes us to lie in green pastures.  His righteous right hand upholds us.  He watches over us in readiness to perform His word in our lives.  He watches to make our crooked paths straight.  God is watching.

Let that be a comfort to you my friends as you navigate these moments we call life.  Let that stir hope and peace in your heart. Let it be you resting place and key to liberty.  God is watching.

Even now, his angels are encamped about you and me as Paul writes in Hebrews 13.  I breathe deeply as I am relieved to know over is truth.  He is watching over our kids and all that concerns you.   He has never left nor forsaken you. He neither slumbers or sleeps.  Rest my friends for God is watching over you.