Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Sin is at the door

I have been going through the book of Genesis. My journey into it is really just at the beginning.  So it is interesting to note that sin was from the beginning.  In case you had forgotten, it was in the very garden of Eden that Eve desired the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh and the pride of life.  From that moment, sin caused shame, fear, blame and the disconnect between man and God. 

Sin, destroys while deceiving us as the serpent did to Eve.  Sin, allows you to think that you are in control.  It gets you to believe that you will win.  Sin crouches at the door and it seeks to devour you and I, but you must master it. 

Eve fell prey.  Cain, her son, fell prey. Murder. Lies.  Guilt. Shame.  Sin grew to full contamination of the entire population of the world. Men boasted of how they would kill anyone who crossed them.  They saw themselves as equal with God.  In their hearts they believed they were God.  It caused our creator to regret making mankind.  In the days of Noah, God had his limit.  He wiped out everyone except the only righteous man left. Noah and his family.

Today we have been given grace.  We are under the covenant that God made with man.  He says never again will he erase us by flood.  Yet, do not be lulled into thinking that you can do as you wish. Do not be deceived thinking that God has gone "soft".   God said to Cain, you must master it, instead he allowed it to cause him to kill Able.  Friends, sin is at the door, do not let it get the upper hand.  Do not invite it in. Do not be deceived.  Do not be mastered by sin.

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