Saturday, February 27, 2016

The Engagement

There once was a man who lived as some would say a prodigal life.  He was far away from God, living to please himself, by his own rules and by what he deemed right in his own eyes.  The end for him was guaranteed destruction. He didn't know it, but he was relentlessly pursued by two entities.  One was far greater than the other. One deceived and there was no truth in him.  One was truth that offered a liberty he had never known.  One hated his soul and the very image of him.  One loved him and gave his son's life for him.

There once was a woman who was always searching.  All her life she knew there was more.  She felt a void that nothing could fill - not husband, sons, job or cash.  She was empty and in darkness.  She had heard that there was light, but she stubbornly refused the Way.  She saw evidence of the truth but logics and reasons kept her away. 

Then one day, what they knew and what the felt came head to head. A conflict. A struggle.  A surrender.  Both had something happen, not at the same time, but still they would journey together.  Their eyes were open, and now they  were brand new.  They had been pursued relentlessly by the Father Himself, and through His son they were both now reconciled. He wooed them with a love that was beyond their understanding.  He lifted the veil from their eyes, he brought them into light, he rescued them from an enemy that sought only to kill.

And so it is that today that we all celebrate the engagement party of this couple, not to each other, but to Jesus the son.  He is the bride groom and they are now the bride.  In anticipation of the wedding, they have shed themselves of the old and are reborn.  Their baptism I imagine brought the Father great joy.  If only we could see the clouds rolled back and the Heavens revealed.  I imagine the joy of Heaven which I cannot with great justice describe, try as I might.  Surely the angels sang louder; surely there was joyous applause as these two finally surrendered to discover that they win. 

If you find that I am more dramatic than usual, it is only this, this couple are my brother and his wife (my sister).  They are the miracle we have been praying for, and it is only the beginning.  Beloved, do not despair, God is at work behind the scenes of your loved ones.  One day too, you will be at the engagement party.  Wait on the Lord and again I say wait.

Because I Love You

My sister, who is going through chemo therapy had started loosing her hair.  She didn't have flowing hair down into her back but loosing what she did have was still emotional. It was another sign of the chemo's effects on the body and the mind if you let it.  I was sweeping up falling hair that needed no pull to just fall freely from her scalp to the floor.  It was like watching a tree go through the "fall" process leaf by leaf until all was gone.  I eventually shaved her head.  Cleaned the scalp and rid it of the remaining strands that bravely stayed in place for the moment.  My younger sister and I had decided independently of each other that we would not allow her to do this alone.  So it is that on that night we both cut off the hair we had to the scalp.  My older sister who saw us later cried out "Why did you guys do this!"  The answer was simple, "Because I love you."

I was reading about Mother Teresa, who from a little girl knew that her life belonged to God.  She gave him her heart and committed herself to him as a nun.  She wanted to be his hands and feet beyond the walls of the building she taught in Calcutta.  After some years she was given the go ahead from her order to begin a ministry that helped the people on the street.  She was called she says to help the diseased, the leprous outcasts, the lonely, the dying.  On one such outing, she saw a man lying on the street, whose body was being eaten by worms.  The stench from his wounds was strong and yet she went to him and extended her help.  He asked with incredulity, "why are you doing this?" and she said "because I love you."

When I read those words I immediately felt God's presence.  It was like his very breath was upon my neck as He whispered the same to me, "Because I love you."  Everything that He has done has been to this end...He loves me.  He loves you.  I tear up even now as I write this again. Somehow these four words fill me up and satisfy that longing inside of me to be loved.  God loves me - satisfyingly, completely, and unconditionally. He is the initiator of love, in fact God is LOVE.  It was not Valentine or any other, but God Himself who is the definition and fulfillment of love.
Yes.  No doubt these acts of human compassion are great, and yet I tell you that greater has been done for us. 

John 3:16New International Version (NIV)
16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.

Here is the heart of all of these words I have written, God loves you.  I pray that you will hear His voice in your ear, as He whispers these words to you, "Because I love you...".  No matter what you may be facing don't ever forget that in the midst of it all is a God whose love for you remains always strong and persistent.  Beloved, allow yourself to be embraced today because he loves you.

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Can Beauty Come From the Ashes?

Cancer.  Did anything good ever come from someone going through the process of cancer?  Is it possible that God can use this awful disease to bring about His good?  Can this be the beauty from the ashes the bible speaks about?  Can God's glory be seen in the midst of this pain?  Yes. Yes! Resounding YES!

My words are inadequate to describe what I am feeling.  I am so certain of God's providence and His ability to bring out the best in all things.  I think I understand why Paul wrote that he would boast ever the more in his weaknesses.  In it, Gods strength is perfected.

"…8Concerning this I implored the Lord three times that it might leave me. 9And He has said to me, "My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness." Most gladly, therefore, I will rather boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may dwell in me. 10Therefore I am well content with weaknesses, with insults, with distresses, with persecutions, with difficulties, for Christ's sake; for when I am weak, then I am strong." (2 Cor. 12:8-10)

My sister was diagnosed with ovarian cancer.  Praise be to God, they were able to get the mass out.  We spent Christmas with an awareness of how blessed we were.  The end of her story could have been otherwise but God.... Amen.  As she walks through post surgery healing and chemo therapy I see God. 

I see His hands of mercy.  I see His grace that is sufficient.  I see how He has raised up others to be help and comfort and strength for our household. I see how this experience have opened up our eyes to His truth.  I feel the liberty.  I am strengthened by His joy.  I a witness to the beauty that has come from the ashes of our lives. Therefore I boast in my God yet again, when I am weak He is strong!

Hot Wheels and Kinder Surprize

I was at the store the other day and saw what I had not seen in years.  In truth, it was my niece who brought it to my attention.  She wanted me to buy her one; a Kinder Surprise.  That chocolate egg with the "surprise" toy in the middle.  Kids love it.  It's funny how our minds store away memories until just that moment.  Immediately, I was transported to my past.  Without reserve or delay I allowed the scenes to roll through the video of my mind. 

At that time I remembered the days of old when my son was just a boy.  He loved Kinder Surprises and Hot Wheels.  I laugh now because we used to spend so much time selecting just the right hot wheel and then assembling the surprise found in the chocolate egg.  It was a much simpler time.  I smile at the memories of my yesterday.  I texted my son, who is far older than he was back then, and reminded him of those days that are apart of his childhood.  I hope it made him smile.

I would love to go back to the time that these things represent and yet, I wouldn't trade these days I am living today.  You see, our past is our past for a reason.  It helps to frame who we are but for sure we can't stay in it.  I have heard it said our past is simply for reference and not residence.  That is sage advise.  Indeed, we should not hold on to it so tightly we miss the lessons from today. 

Friends, hot wheels and kinder surprises will always make me smile, but alas, no-one stays a child forever.  Henceforth, let us try our best to live in the here and now.  Let us endeavor to make memories afresh and be active participants in our present. I have a co-worker who always reminds me of this beautiful verse, "This is the day that the Lord has made, let us rejoice and be glad in it." Psalm 118:24