Monday, May 22, 2017

Lord Teach Me How To Love

I am struggling. 
I am crying.
I am fighting.
I am really trying to love. 

Love is patient.
Love is kind.
Love does not keep a record of wrongs done.
Love does not boast.
Love is what I need to choose right now and I confess it is not easy.

I need to do what God has asked me to do and he says do not be offended.  He says he needs me to not be distracted by these events in my life.  This is not the life I imagined. I never foresaw these days of turmoil and unrest.  God where is your peace?  I so desperately need You right now.

Love is patient.
Love is kind. 

Again and again I must remind myself of this word; this truth that is to set me free.  I don't know why I thought I should be exempt from trials when the word of God says I would have them for sure.  He knows how much I can bear.  I am not unique in having hard is life. 

Lord teach me your ways.  Teach me how to wait upon you.  Teach me Lord how to love like you do.

Thursday, May 11, 2017

I Am Enough

I woke up asking myself, "Am I enough?"  I am to speak on the prayer line devotion today - It's in your hands being the theme - and this question seems to be linking itself with it.  Is what I have in my hand enough.  It may have something to do with my image.  I seem to have the kind of face and look that begs people to say, "I want to do a make over on you!"  Every time I hear that I always wonder to myself "What is wrong with how I look now?"  It stirs up feelings of inadequacy and insecurity.  It reminds me again of reasons why I was cheated on and eventually dumped....I was not enough.

I know these are arrows sent my way to destroy me.  I know that these are weapons formed to bring me down.  I know these are lies sent to drown the truth.  I know I am enough.  I am enough in Christ.  In my hands, he has given me that which is unique to me.  A friend of mine says to me that greatness is in my hands.  She says the made in his image means that we are in the image of His greatness.  The bible says that Greater is in me than he that is in the world.  I am enough as He is more than enough. On my face he has shone his light and my countenance reflects his glory. Revlon 'aint got nothing on that. My insufficiencies are covered by his grace.  His grace is sufficient for me; it is enough and that makes me enough.

I don't know about you...where your mind is today. However let me bring you this truth - you are enough.  What you have added to what God has is enough.  You can be satisfied in this as you are not lacking in anything.  God has equipped you to live this life and say it with me - it is enough.  So my friend, go have a look in the mirror and speak out loud with confidence "I am enough".