Monday, May 27, 2019

Faith keeper

Faithkeeper. Do you throw away things that have great value to you, sentimental or monetary? Chances are you do all to preserve that thing. You ensure it is not damaged or stolen. You keep it safe. You invest your heart. You are prepared to fight for it. You keep it. I say all this to bring the point of faithkeeper to light. If we value our Faith we will keep it.

How then do we keep our faith?  How do we ensure that we are walking in a manner deserving of the title Faithkeeper?  I'm glad you asked.

Here is what I have discovered.  We must choose the way of faith.  David in Psalm 119 tells us of his choice to choose this way of faithfulness. Other versions call this the way of Truth or Obedience.  Whatever it is called in your bible, it is highlighting for us that this is not going to be something God does for us.  No beloved, we have to choose this way for ourselves. For some of you, and for me, this certainly makes it harder.  I would have loved to just have this be an automatic part of my Christian walk.  God never did like robotic worship so this absolutely makes sense.  Choose this day who you will serve.  Choose first life or death. Choose the way, the truth and the life for yourself. 

I know that this choice will be challenged.  Once you decide to follow Jesus, the way of Faith, it will not be easy.  Interestingly enough, David understood this for himself as well.  So he repented.  He pleaded for understanding of God's way of doing things.  He knew his tendency to cleave to the dust,the deadness of this world, and so he cried out for help.  He needed GOD. 

I think we all need God and we realize that pretty quickly along the way of faith.  I can't do this alone.  I can't stay on the path alone.  I am not strong enough and I don't understand enough.  So what's a girl or boy to do? How can we keep our ways pure?  We stay in the WORD of God.  David again in that same chapter revealed to us this is the answer.  He added that we should hide the WORD in our hearts so that we will not sin against God. 

So Faithkeeper, arise today.  Cleave to God; He is your answer and your compass in Jesus name!  Be blessed.

Sunday, May 12, 2019

Already Factor

I was so blessed in church when visiting Pastor Uncle Youdi brought the word. It was a good word. The kind that stays long after we have said Amen. He read from Isaiah 65:24 before heading into the story of Ruth and Naomi.

“Before they call I will answer; and while they are yet speaking I will hear”.

The already factor of God is at work in our lives. It is at work in my life. Before I call God answers. Do you answer before being called? Do you know ahead of time that you will be called? I don’t. Chances are neither do you. Chances are you are as unaware of what is yet to come as I am. While I take no comfort in this I am comforted in the Word.  Jesus answers before I call His name. He hears me while I am yet speaking.

Naomi experienced the Already Factor of God. Her husband and sons were dead. Life was bitter. It was hard. It was sorrowful. It seemed that good was no longer possible. Yet God already had a plan. God already had an answer. God already heard her cries before she knew He knew.

The end of her story was so much better than her starting point. This can be my story and yours as well. We can trust in God with all our hearts not leaning on our own understanding. We can acknowledge Him in all our ways. We can be confident in Him. He is our Already Factor!