Sunday, April 5, 2020

If I knew Then What I know Now

I am sitting here at my dining room table with the light streaming through the windows and the sheer curtains.  I am sitting here missing my brother and my sister in law, my grand-niece, grandson and aunt.  I am sitting here and thinking if I knew that today was going to be like this, I would have done things differently.

Today, I, like the rest of the world, is on lock down because a virus known as COVID19.  This will mark the history books and has changed the way we do things prior to 2020. The visits we took for granted, the hugs, the kisses, the fellowship all are now a "no no" in our COVID19 world.

It makes me think I should have hugged my family and friends a lot more.  I should have had that coffee with my friend.  I should have gone to lunch.  I should have taken the time to do more with the people that mattered to me the most.  I should have kissed the cheeks of my little students who I love more than I realized.  If only I knew then what I know now.

So, lesson learnt to myself.  I will not miss opportunities for contact.  I will take the time to spend with those I love and lean to love those I struggle with right now.  I know now and will no longer have the ignorance as my excuse.  I will not go back to my social distancing but will draw even closer.  I never know what will happen tomorrow - no one knows.  However, I can take advantage of what I know today. I know now and so do you.

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