Sunday, May 10, 2020

For the woman with Karen Proudlove Brown

For the woman who has not yet realized that she is more than rubies, diamonds and pearls I pray that today you will know that you are in the eyes of God.

My friend, Rev Karen Proudlove Brown (inserted just below) in our theme of Celebrating Motherhood brought a beautiful poem to the group. She in fact said these words that resonated within me...God Knows. 

God knows all about you woman. He knows your sorrows and will be with you to the end.  So be encouraged today and every other day woman.  God knows.

Prayer about Fear

As I laid upon my bed, fitfully "resting", I had to confess that I was afraid.  I had again awakened to pain in my body that remains unexplained.  My sister, my friend's sister and my church sister's sister have all been diagnosed with some sort of cancer.  This is always in the back of my mind even after the CA125 blood test I did, came back negative for that diagnosis.  Still, I often ask mentally, why do I feel so unlike myself?  What is happening to this body of mine that used to be pain free?  Now, it is a nightly invasion to my sleep and a great annoyance to me - pain, in case you wondered.

I woke up this morning to the same pattern and have found  a prayer I wrote months ago.

It was another time that I was feeling particularly scared.  I don't recall what the issue was but I do know that the prayer is still relevant to me today.  I believe that this prayer is also for you.  Whatever is behind the mask of fear in your life, will not be able to dwell there upon the enforced word of God.  So, will you pray with me please?

Our Father,
Fear is not of You, rather You tell us "Do not fear for I am with you.  You promised to uphold me with your righteous right hand.  Father, you said to be anxious for nothing but in every situation prayer is my access key to your provision.  Lord, it gives me your transcending peace.  I thank you that this peace is not given only to be taken away.  You don't give as the world gives and for that I am so grateful.  I therefore do not have to worry or be afraid.  God, fear is not mine to keep or take.  You gave me power love and a sound mind.  Lord, when I am afraid I put my trust in you.  Your perfect love will drive out all my fears.  Lord, I pray that I will focus on kind words so that my heart will not be weighed down by anxious thoughts.
Father, I will not continue to worry about tomorrow which has not yet arrived.  I will instead refocus my mind to stay upon You.  Lord I remember that you will never leave me; you will fight for me.  Lord you said do not fear just Believe.  Lord, nothing separates me from your love.  Nothing in this life or in death, not today's fear or tomorrow's worries.  Nothing in Heaven or hell will separate me from you in Jesus name.  Lord please quiet me within.  Let your love wash over me as you continue to rejoice over me with shouts of joy.

In Jesus' name,

He is God and He's Good

A song to encourage your heart.

He is God and He's Good by Yolando Robinson

Even when you go through the fire
God is still good
Even when you can't see how He's working
God is still good

Even in the pain and the rain is pouring
God is still good
Even when you're hurt and you're feeling lonely
God is still good

He is LORD of everything
He is GOD of all the earth
He is FAITHFUL ever true
He is God and He's good

I hope you sing this with hearts open to hear His voice. The lyrics are available for you but allow God's Holy Spirit to guide you with the melody.  Be encouraged my friend, because He is God and He's good.


Two months ago, March 2020, when the world strained under the uncertainty of a tomorrow and fear rose up to cause even the strongest to be a little shaken, I wrote a song.  As I wrote it, I  reminded myself that God is still God.  I reminded myself that He is still good.

When I read through the bible, I see that this earth has been shaken before.  If I go all the way back to the days of Noah, we find that the death toll literally wiped out the population of the Earth.  Everyone was literally washed away from the face of the earth, with the exception of Noah and his family.  His life was spared because in the midst of all the evil, that was the virus of the day, he was righteous in the eyes of God.  He was obedient even when everyone else thought he was a maniac. I mean, who even understood the concept of rain from the sky that would cause a great flood?  They had never seen that before.  Isn't that familiar and relatable to today?  Death tolls in the thousands across the World, wiped out by a virus we have never seen before.  Some people may be tempted to ignore and dismiss God even with the evidence of His existence right before their eyes.  He is still God in spite of their unbelief.

As I said there are so many people who endured so much before we even existed to show us how to stand in the days of trials and great hardship.  I think of men like David, whose life was threatened time and time again because of the jealousy, greed and pride of others.  I can consider  Job, the servant of the Lord that lost everything as God tested and refined him. I think of  Jeremiah the prophet who endured so much to do the work of his master as it was like fire in his bones that could only be quenched by his obedience.  I think of Daniel and the three Hebrew boys, Peter, Paul, Silas, Stephen,  James, John, John the Baptist and so many more.  For some, relief was as swift as a walk accross to bring recuse and calm the storm.  For others, the time of suffereing was long and hard with seemingly no earthly relief under the soverignty of God. Yet, God is still God.

It didn't matter what they went through, poverty, beatings, sickness, mocking jeering and even unto their own death, they maintained that God's deity didn't change.  He was never less than God.  They were still awed by His enormity.  They still reverenced and adored Him.  They still served Him and worshipped Him.  God was still God for them.

I believe that we can take that lesson and apply it to our everyday.  It feels like these days will not end and it is fair to ask where is God?  I don't think He minds us being honest and unmasked before Him.  However, I am encouraged that He is still Himself -  unshaken by these days and still the rock and salvation upon which we can stand our ground.  He has not diminished in His power and greatness.  He is still God; still secure, still faithful, still merciful, still trustworthy, and still able.  Yes, let your heart be stout and enduring as you hold fast to the truth of this word - God is still God.

Saturday, May 9, 2020

Because You Carried Me

We celebrate this weekend, May 10,2020, Mother's Day.  It is not an easy time for some who are scarred and fragile when it comes to their mother, being a mother or never having but wanting to be a mother.  For others, it is a time celebrated with gifts and hugs and kisses.  Kids do their best art and moms coo and gush as if Davinci himself gave them a masterpiece made just for them.  We celebrate motherhood.

I have had the opportunity to sit in and even be a presenter for five days of exploring and expanding on the theme of "Because You Carried Me. Celebrating Motherhood."  It is in this forum of discussions I was reminded and learnt that we have something to celebrate no matter what our relationship is with our own mothers.  If she did nothing else worthy she carried you.  She laboured and delivered you when she could have opted out.  She could have chosen to abort and she did not.  She carried you to term and gave birth even when this world would have said to her, "it is alright if you don't.  It is after all your life, your body and your choice."   So there is a reason to celebrate.  You are the life that has been produced.

In addition to that, I can better appreciate Mothers who had to wait for a long time to even see the fruit of their prayers. Moms like Hanna who was barren but prayed without ceasing even while enduring the mocking jeers of her sister wife.  She was a mom who kept her vow to the Lord and gave her only son at that time back to the Lord.  We christen our children and we commit them to God but then we take them back to raise on our own and in futility.  We can learn from her life and her enduring spirit as well as her promise keeping example.  Moms like Jochebed, the mother of Moses, who made the choice to save her son however she could.  She gave birth to a beautiful boy but in a time of persecution for all Hebrew baby boys born.  She made a basket and placed him in a river where he was rescued by Pharaoh's daughter.  She found him and knew that he was not of her people but yet, she carried him into her home and her heart.  She called him her own and gave him what she had - the protection of her station and life when so many others died.  We can celebrate all the step moms and foster moms and spiritual moms and moms that are simply women who are in your life bearing and laboring with you.

Most importantly, we understand that God has carried us all along.  Oh, He is likened unto a mother hen that beckons her chicks to come under her wings. There they find warmth and protection.  The hen bonds with that chick before they hatch and they know her voice.  GOD has called us from the womb, named us and carries us.  We can celebrate because He has carried us; carried us when the Devil that dragon, wants to kill us after we have laboured and delivered.  He prepares a place of refuge for us and brings us to it when we are tired and vulnerable or rested and vibrant.  God has and is carrying us - all the way to the end.

I Am Willing

I am willing!

I am  willing
To do anything
As in all things
But  did I  say  everything?

I am  willing
To do what is  beyond  me
Beyond  my imagination
Cannot even  comprehend  it
Don't have the skills
To even tell you
How I'd do it
Kind of willing

I am  willing
To do it  all
For the sake of  the call
Called by name
To stand  to serve to see
Called  by  the  King of  Kings and the Lord of  Lords
I am willing

I am willing
From me He will  always get a yes
From me there will be no arguments
No back talks or reason why
Because like I said
I am willing

I am willing
To lay it all down
My pride my will
So I can take up my cross
To  follow Christ Jesus
My Lord
I am willing