Sunday, May 10, 2020

Prayer about Fear

As I laid upon my bed, fitfully "resting", I had to confess that I was afraid.  I had again awakened to pain in my body that remains unexplained.  My sister, my friend's sister and my church sister's sister have all been diagnosed with some sort of cancer.  This is always in the back of my mind even after the CA125 blood test I did, came back negative for that diagnosis.  Still, I often ask mentally, why do I feel so unlike myself?  What is happening to this body of mine that used to be pain free?  Now, it is a nightly invasion to my sleep and a great annoyance to me - pain, in case you wondered.

I woke up this morning to the same pattern and have found  a prayer I wrote months ago.

It was another time that I was feeling particularly scared.  I don't recall what the issue was but I do know that the prayer is still relevant to me today.  I believe that this prayer is also for you.  Whatever is behind the mask of fear in your life, will not be able to dwell there upon the enforced word of God.  So, will you pray with me please?

Our Father,
Fear is not of You, rather You tell us "Do not fear for I am with you.  You promised to uphold me with your righteous right hand.  Father, you said to be anxious for nothing but in every situation prayer is my access key to your provision.  Lord, it gives me your transcending peace.  I thank you that this peace is not given only to be taken away.  You don't give as the world gives and for that I am so grateful.  I therefore do not have to worry or be afraid.  God, fear is not mine to keep or take.  You gave me power love and a sound mind.  Lord, when I am afraid I put my trust in you.  Your perfect love will drive out all my fears.  Lord, I pray that I will focus on kind words so that my heart will not be weighed down by anxious thoughts.
Father, I will not continue to worry about tomorrow which has not yet arrived.  I will instead refocus my mind to stay upon You.  Lord I remember that you will never leave me; you will fight for me.  Lord you said do not fear just Believe.  Lord, nothing separates me from your love.  Nothing in this life or in death, not today's fear or tomorrow's worries.  Nothing in Heaven or hell will separate me from you in Jesus name.  Lord please quiet me within.  Let your love wash over me as you continue to rejoice over me with shouts of joy.

In Jesus' name,

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