Thursday, May 12, 2011

Why Lord?

Faith is God’s prescription for trials
He said that we should count it all joy
Through our faith & relationship with Him
Even the struggles we’ll begin to enjoy
He looked at me and saw I was lacking
So He rolled a trial my way
I looked up to heaven and asked "Why Lord?"
Well that’s one reason – It got me to pray
Don’t shout He said or begin to moan
You have the power to get through this now
You’ve got the answer if you just believe
If all else fails, just ask me how
I’ve planted this seed of trouble in your life
You were on a plateau, I had to push you uphill
I had to challenge your mind with this test
To unfold your courage, your character, your will
You look in the mirror and think you are perfect
But there are flaws which you cannot see
I think it’s better to test you and perfect you
Which tester do you prefer, the devil or Me

Wisdom is the key you need to unlock the door
Wherein lies joy in abundant amounts
The mind is the powerful tool that He gave us
So a fight against trials we can surmount
Each trial brings with it new understanding
A fresh new insight we’d never know
Don’t hate it or yield to it, pray your way through it
It is painful sometimes but it makes you grow
I’d rather have this than stagnation Lord
You know exactly what’s best for me
Each time I rise above my situation
I’m one step closer to my true destiny
We must be aggressive in our faithful living
Don’t just sit back and fail to thrive
Use your mind to create and pursue good
Grow in God’s word each moment you’re alive

By: Nicole Ruddock

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