Thursday, June 9, 2011

Poverty by Ashelle

To look around to see different races, to see their problem in their faces
The sorrow over whelms me. My eyes are shedding rivers of tears,
To see this little girl, see her belly swell; struggling with a hard life, no food to survive.
I’m sorry.

To see her, struggling from diseases; her body tries to fight then wheezes
To witness this frown in her brown eyes; Imagine that she’s only 9.
She prays daily, begging God for a miracle for her family.
“Dear God, please help me to survive, help me get the food that I need,
that my mother can’t provide. Help me through the depression stage
that has been increasing in size. Please God help me through
This poverty that controls my life!”
She cries every night to live life, but no one has the money
To buy her a flight to this free country, where she would have rights.

At thirteen years old he is stealing, bringing  tears to his mother’s eyes
That has her heart ripping,the pain so excruciating. But in his mind, it’s not easy
Having nothing, it’s like an internal war, you’re not losing anything.
As smart as he is, it doesn’t make a difference, to the cops he is a black boy,
He is accustomed to the suffering. They brought him in, for questioning.
They came to the conclusion that he was not shoplifting; it was not as they suspected
They called his mother to pick him up, but they didn’t realize their life was so rough
Meanwhile she is at work making her sales; his mother works hard, yet she is hardly living and the saddest part of it all is that they’re losing a game that they shouldn’t be playing. She prays “Jesus please help my son and I, help us receive the money that I am missing. I work all day, and make barely enough for my mortgage. My son has gone days without anything in his stomach, I’m living in poverty, and it’s not healthy. Please Jesus; bring us into a better place”
She lives a life that is full of strive, for she is an un-wealthy person and not too healthy. She was 22 when she got pregnant, and excited to be. When she took a blood test to confirm her good news, other things showed up that crashed her views. She was diagnosed with AIDS, and pregnant, now deprived of that once that special moment.
Five months later her body starts developing.  She is sitting in depression, thinking that she has to pass this on to her baby.  To think of this problem, is like falling straight down and breaking both knees begging the doctors to help; it is so much till you decide to leave She prays “Heavenly Father please don’t let my baby HATE me! Help our relationship grow tighter than it should be, and if it be possible, at this point, please prevent her from getting my disease. My life is going downhill, my walls have crumbled, and now I’m stuck in this thing called poverty that’s oh so humble.”
The little Italian girl found out today that she has AIDS
Her 1st thought, “My mommy HATES me.”

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