I cannot take credit for this title. In a conversation with my cousin, we spoke on the morals of people today. He was being asked to compromise his integrity and he concluded for himself that God has no grey areas. When he said it I got more excited than he understood I am sure. Things are either black or white, wrong or right. I was nodding in agreement - that is so true! God, is definitely not a supporter of straddling the fence. He says, He would prefer for us to be hot or cold but definitely not lukewarm. You see, no one can serve two masters and that is kind of what standing or operating in that grey area represents. It is not wanting to choose one or the other but sort of trying to have both...a little good, a little bad....what does that make? A lot of mess!
I am certain of one thing only. God demands us to be holy. He says be holy as I am Holy. Now for me, that is sometimes such a tall order. And yet, He says he will help me to do this. He will present me blameless before himself. Is that not amazing? God puts a choice before us, choose ye this day who you will serve. If He is your choice, he will help you to live in the right...no grey area with God.
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