Monday, August 22, 2011

Small Fist in The Clouds

I wanted to talk about my son. I wanted to thank God for all that he has been doing in his life. He is such a blessing to me and my family. He has wisdom that shows up in ways that causes us to pause and really listen to him.  These glimpses of maturity in him is my "small fist in the clouds", and lets me know that the showers of blessings are on the way.  No, not material things.  Blessings that are beyond measure. He is blessed in the city and in the fields. He will be blessed as a young man. He is blessed as a husband.  He is blessed as a father. He is blessed as a Priest. He is blessed.

He leaves for a week with his biological father on Wednesday.  I will miss him. I will miss our Mommy and Rori dates. I will miss him just being in the house.  But I trust God to keep him. I believe that this trip is a gift from God, every good and perfect gift after all is from God after all.

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