Saturday, October 29, 2011

I am not going to cry

I just heard some awful news. It seems that we are in a nightmare that keeps on going.  When do we wake up? when does morning come and joy begins?  In these times it seems like God is far away.  Even as I write those words I know that they are not true. God is here and will always be here. He never leaves us nor forsakes us.  Yes, I still want to cry. I want to scream. I want to stomp my feet and yell out this is not fair!  I want everything to be okay again.  I want her to be well again. I want to understand what is going on.  Lord knows I am not giving up.  Yet, I am just so tired of this down.

I know God.  I know God. I know God.

I am not going to cry.

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