After bawling my eyes out in one of my most undignified prayers to God, I heard the lyrics to the song by Tenth Avenue North "By Your Side". I hope I am not breaking any copy rights law when I tell you the lyrics:
Why are you striving these days?
Why are you trying to earn grace?
Why are you crying...
I'll be by your side
where ever you fall
in the dead of night
whenever you call
and please dont fight
these hands that are holding you....
Cause I love you
I want you to know
That I love you
I'll never let you go...
As the lyrics to the song washed over my soul I could hear clearly the voice of my father saying "Let me hold you". Even now I tear up just remembering the experience. I could see myself being held by Him, feel His hands surrounding me just as His words did. I will never leave nor will I forsake you. (Hebrews 13:5).
I write all of this so that perhaps one person could be encouraged today. Perhaps you are that person that feels like the world is crushing you. Maybe you have met upon trouble beyond even your own imaginings or comprehension. Maybe you feel so sad and alone right now. I am telling you my friend that God will hold you and he will never let you go. It is so true. It is so real. God will never let you go. Let Him hold you, just as he is holding me.
By the way, thank God for the writers and singers of songs that minister to people. Tenth Avenue North, may God bless you richly, for trully God listens to your songs and uses it in his healing process. He did it for me...and maybe so many others.
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