Sharing my writing online gave a freedom without guilt that was appealing. I also wanted to be kinder to the inbox of my friends who, God bless them, graciously accepted my numerous emails of poems and other "hot off the press" writitng sessions. I hope you are able to smile, maybe laugh out loud or nod in agreement. Whatever you do while reading these posts - I thank you sincerely for the time you spent.
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Above and Beyond
I was watching the 50th anniversary show of Cross Road ministry, (they bring us 100 Huntley Street). Their theme was "Above and Beyond". I imediately thought of work. Let me explain, this is the name of my company's employee recognition programme and so, I was familiar with the term. I was already aware of its meaning. At least I knew of one meaning. As I watched the hosts speaking, a light bulb went on inside of me. Above and Beyond didnt just mean what we as a people could do, but God. He is the One who goes above and beyond before any of us ever did. I was transfixed to the t.v. The thoughts flooded my mind and I felt my eyes were finally opened to a verse that I always knew, but never fully understood. He exceeds our expectations. It is in fact his promise to us. He promised to exceed my every expectations. "Now to Him who is able to do far more exceedingly abundantly than all we ask or think..." Eph. 3:20. He goes above and beyond! Always! Every time! I like to think that if I am able to think of it, he can exceed it. If I expect it, He exceeds it. He is the master of going "Above and Beyond".
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