Tuesday, December 18, 2012

The Battle Still Belongs to God

Yesterday, my friend told me a story that I hope I will remember forever.  I should warn you, that the details are not pleasant, but my focus is not on that, but on the attitude of the one who gave the testimony.

During the Sunday service, my friend noted that the praise and worship leader was particularly enthusiastic in her praise. She was a woman without shame, praising God with abandonment.  She didn’t seem to care who heard, or who saw or better yet who cared.  She was focused on God and praised him with loud cheers of Amen and Hallelujahs.  At the end of the Pastor’s sermon, she came to the podium and decided to give an explanation for her praise.  Not that she needed to explain it, as I believe that is between her and God.  However, she gave her testimony, and I have benefitted because of it.

She told the church that some time ago, she was abducted from her driveway by a man. He held a gun to her head and drove her back in her car to a location that was unfamiliar to her.  He beat her, until there was blood everywhere.  In her car, her radio brought through the invisible waves the lyrics of a song writer’s glory to God.  He told her to turn it off as that would not help her. But throughout his beating and rape of her body, her mind sent prayers to God.  She asked Him to help her. This man told her he was going to kill her, and he wore no disguise as he knew she would not be alive to identify him.  But she kept praying; she even pleaded with him, telling him he doesn’t have to do this. 


At one point she had the gun in her hand, and could have killed him easily.  But a peace that surely surpasses understanding told her no. God’s voice said he needs Jesus too and if you take his life then that opportunity would never come for him.  That would be it.  [Friends, there is no hope after the grave, no matter how much prayers you pray for the ones that have passed on already. The dead cannot accept Christ or receive pardon…it is the cry of too late from the coffin].  She didn’t kill him and he didn’t kill her. Instead he let her go.  Sadly he had already carried out his violent act against her, but he did not commit murder.  She was in the middle of nowhere. She screamed her help, but none came to assist. She could see people in the distance, but they could not see her.  He had taken her phone, wallet and car keys and she was stranded and hurt in a place she didn’t know.


Then he returned.  I imagined how her heart must have raced seeing him again. But he did something unexpected. He gave her back the things he took and gave her directions to get out of where she was.  Is that not God?  Is that not our holy God?  She knows why she praises him like a woman gone mad, because of what he did for her. She didn’t become bitter, nor did she denounce God for not sparing her from the hardship of the experience, she turned all of that into praise. She glorified him for saving her life, when she would have been dead.  When evil came to destroy her, God was with her and gave her His comfort.

What trials and hardship are you facing?  Have you also been such a woman, raped and beaten and left for dead?  Have you been a victim of some other evil?  Maybe it is not as horrific, but for you it is just as life changing, is that you?  Maybe, it is the everyday stresses of life – financial woes, wayward kids, family out of control, does that describe you?  Whatever you are going through, I urge you to trust God. I urge you to offer him shouts of praise and new songs for His glory.  I invite you to join in the shouts of many women all over this globe, linking faith to faith in a world that is harsh and at times so dark it seems hopeless. Let us remind ourselves of what he has done when we feel it is not enough.  Women, be encouraged today for the battle still belongs to God.




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