Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Yes I Can

I am sitting here, quaking on the insides from the anxiety I am feeling about what is coming up.  At my company, as a farewell to our CEO, there is a Talent Show/BBQ.  Yes, the question has been, “Do you have talent?”  So, I of course, with little thinking, signed myself up.  I would ask, “What was I thinking?”, but I wasn’t.  Hence, I am here on the day of, quaking.  My stomach is doing the dance it reserves for moments like these, as my eyes scan the clock, ticking away the minutes.

To add to the nervousness, I am being constantly asked by a fellow participant about my song, my time and everything else.  Also, I am getting unwanted information about other people competing.  I am wondering if this is something I should even be doing.  Why am I doing this?  It cannot be for the win of TWO vacation days.  That prize cannot be my end goal otherwise, I may just be disappointed.  No.  I am deciding right here, right now that this song has to be more than a means to an end.  My singing in this perverse world has to be light to those in darkness. I want my voice to sing out as a word of encouragement to those that are feeling defeated.  I must point them to the son, Jesus Christ.  I must let my light so shine before these men and women, so that they will see my good works and glorify the Father in Heaven.

Thank God for redirecting my attention to where it really belongs – on Him.  I remember writing that I am the re-source and He is the source. My voice to sing comes from Him.  I can trust Him to use my vocal chords for His purposes.  I can trust Him and know that I will not be put to shame.  I can allow myself to be emptied of all the superficial and selfish motives and instead be filled with His spirit, empowered to do His will.  Yes. I feel strengthened and there is an agreement inside me.  Interestingly enough, the song I chose is Yes You Can by Donnie McClurkin.  This is what I needed all along. This day that was so wonderfully made by my God is a day to rejoice.  He had this in mind for me all along!  My response is simply, Yes I Can!

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