Wednesday, July 31, 2013

I believe therefore I speak...

I believe you are a woman of tremendous faith. I believe that you believe that God can do the impossible. I believe that you are waiting for the manifestation of His works in you to be revealed to everyone else. I believe that you are at the end of the matter, even though it appears you are farther away to the human eye.  I believe that the same spirit that raised Christ from the dead is in you and we can speak with that same spirit of faith.  I believe in moments like this, where I know you are in agreement and where two people agree on anything as in touching, then God promises that it shall come about. In the set time daughter, it shall come about. I am reminded now of the time frame it took for Abraham to have Isaac, for how long it took Isaac’s wife Rebecca to become pregnant, for the Israelites to be released from captivity, for Jesus to come the first time after Isaiah prophesied of his coming, for Hanna to have Samuel and I could go on and on.  But at the set time God does as He says he will do.  God has promised you things and you are waiting on them. Don’t look at what you see. They deceive you. Don’t look at when.  Don’t look at how. Look instead to the who that has promised.  He that has called you is faithful. He will do it.


Friday, July 26, 2013

One day we will all see, know and consider that there is a God

In my musing to a friend of mine I determined that I don’t want to be the person that slows down temporarily.  I want to learn all that God is teaching me and apply it.  I want to never again go back to the way I used to be, the way I used to think or even feel about things and people.  I want to see as He does and never return to the world I lived in before – tunnel vision and self-focused.


I don’t want to wait any more for a crisis to occur before I start a dialogue with my God.  I don’t want to only see the miracles happen before I can praise Him. 


Oh that men would praise Him says God.  Oh that they would cry out to Him. Oh that they would seek after Him and his righteousness.  Oh that we will run to Him for all things and stay in the shadow of His feathers.


Friends, we are like grass and we are blown here and there by the wind that is unseen.  We all will have to bend and bow our knees to Him one day.  We, who think we are in control of our eternal destiny, will one day come face to face with our creator. We will one day realize that no money, husband, child, siblings, drugs, or anything here on earth is enough to satisfy us.  We will realize that we are not as “together” as we thought before and that this life is fleeting and oh so fickle.  One day we will all see and know and consider that there is a God.

Spend yourselves on behalf of the hungry and oppressed

Belize is beautiful to see, if you are a fan of green grass, lots of trees and mountains or hills extending into the sky.  I remember just sitting outside my hotel room and looking across at this gorgeous scenery that seemed to roll on and on forever.  This little country, tucked into crook of Central America, was definitely pulling out all the whistles and bells for me.  The sun shined down upon me, the breeze cooled my skin and the foliage sharpened their colours all as if for my pleasure.  I was and am in love with Belize. 
Most importantly were the people I met, the 200 plus kids that I had a chance to teach about God.  They came out from every corner it seemed when we pulled up in our van.  We expected about 50 kids and was at first overwhelmed by the 150 over.  Yet, God was in this mission and he was not unprepared. Somehow we had enough to give and they gratefully received. 
There were those that showed the scars of abuse, and some that didn't.  It broke my heart to see one boy's arm completely burnt, but his eyes still sparked with life.  His brown eyes were beautiful and I still see them in my mind.  Another child wore like a brand, a deep and ugly slash across his cheek - it marred his otherwise smooth skin.  One boy had seen too much, having to watch his father strangle himself to death in a drug induced stupor.  Others had seen the adults in their lives do things to each other that should have been reserved for closed doors, but in a one room building with no privacy, they carried on just the same.  Some wore clothes that were torn and dirty.  There were those that had no shoes. There was one child that was desperate enough to pick up the scraps of a broken cracker we were sweeping from the dirty floor to eat. 
I am not doing this to depress you.  Those kids taught me something.  Despite their circumstances, whatever it might have been, none of them came looking depressed in spirit. They cheerfully showed up, participated and eagerly helped us to clean up each day.  Those kids did not fold their hands across their chests and waited to die.  They lived and rejoiced.  Those kids who had so little smiled and laughed and hugged and kissed and rejoiced. 


Isaiah 58:10-11:

" ... If you spend yourselves on behalf of the hungry and satisfy the needs of the oppressed, then your light will rise in the darkness, and your night will become like the noonday. The Lord will guide you always; he will satisfy your needs in a sun-scorched land and will strengthen your frame. You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail."

This verse jumped out at me yesterday. If I spend myself on behalf of the hungry and satisfy the needs of the oppressed...those were the words that penetrated my consciousness. Perhaps I am more sensitive to the hungry and oppressed because of my recent trip to Belize. If you are like me, you are perhaps asking, where is Belize? That was my exact question as well. I knew nothing of the people, couldn't even imagine what they would look like, or how they would speak, or how the country would feel. I definitely did not imagine the hunger, abuse, and poverty that resided in the belly of Belize, away from the eyes of North American tourists.
Belize is one place far away from most of us, a place that many of us will never have a chance to visit.  However, hungry people are every where. They are walking among us even now.  Friends, let us commit this verse to heart and spend ourselves on behalf of the hungry and satisfy the needs of the oppressed. God promises us that we will be like a well watered garden.  Please, I urge you to open your eyes and your heart to those that are so desperately in need of help - your help.  I implore you to be the change that people need today. Allow the love of God to be tangible through you, for then your light will rise in the darkness and your night will become like the noonday.

Thanks for touching Belize!  Check out the website for more information at



Thursday, July 11, 2013

Piece It Back Together - Latoya Davis

Piece it back together

Piece it back together not because it's broken but because it's not whole

Piece it back together because peace roams but doesn't dwell

Piece it back together because your power is in no comparison to mine

Actually my power is non-existent without yours

Piece it back together to continue on the path your perfect plan

Piece it back together because every piece it hold belongs to you

Piece it back together because I know you to be the alpha and omega, the beginning the end

Piece it back together because everything that starts with you ends with you

Piece it back together because at your name every knee will bow and every tongue will confess

Piece it back together because all faith is in you that you can

Piece it back together because I know you to be of wholeness, fullness and one to complete the work the is said to be done

Piece is back together because the word you said tells me you will

Piece it back together because through your strips brings forth healing

Piece it back together because you are beyond good

Beyond amazing

Beyond outstanding

Beyond able

Beyond faithful

Beyond almighty

Because you are holy

Because you are worthy

Because all things through you are possible

Because all things through you are perfect

Because everything you touch transform

GOD I'm talking to you, God I need you

You, just you, yes you, only you

To pick up every scattered piece and bring forth wholeness

I need you to piece it all back together

So I can give all the glory to you

Thank you God, for claiming each piece, Amen.

Philippians 1:6

I Cross Out - Latoya Davis

I cross out

I cross out depression

I cross out disbelief

I cross out insecurity

I cross out every voice of the evil one

I cross out fear

I cross out lack of love

I cross out isolation

I cross out bondage

I cross out every tear

I cross out every failure

I cross out every disappoint me

I cross out all hopelessness

I cross out lack of peace

I cross out brokenness

I cross out selfishness

I cross out loss

I cross out anxiety

I cross out lies

I cross out defeat

I cross out worthlessness

I cross out pain

I cross out hurt

I cross out secrets

I cross out unseen scares

I cross out mistakes

I cross out guilty

I cross out persuasion

I cross out unacceptance

I cross out rejection

I cross it out with my life

I cross it out as my sacrifice

I cross it out as my love for you

I cross it in flesh and in truth

I cross it among every face in proof of my love for you

I cross it out with my blood flowing 

And my bones breaking

I cross it out permanently


Even if you never thank me, or encounter me

Even if you don't accept me

You can assure that I cross it out

For you not for me

I feel it all as I cross it out to its fullest extent

So that if you feel it again, I understand you with everything in me

I cross it out my child, And If I had to you better know I'd do it all again

Because my cross is the foundation of the real you, and I know because of my cross one day you will love me too

Here's my cross hold it because its yours, and you may drop it and forget it at times, but promise me one thing you will always pick it back up and remember me. See you soon my love, 



Colossians 2:14





It is time to Speak Up for our Children

As I looked over my last post concerning my son, I thought it appropriate to share this Mom's prayer for her son with you.  Her baby turned one this month and she is so excited. I remember that year my son turned one. He was still so sweet and innocent.  Back then, he was happy with simple things - life was good for him.  I remember how young I was as well. I was so idealistic - never seeing the clouds approaching and expected all his years to be blissful and sweet. 
But that is not the focus.  I love this prayer because it gave me the courage to speak up for my son. It gave me the words to refuse the declarations spoken over his life that were death and not life. I love it because it reminded me that I am the mother and I need to guard my son's future like a lioness protects her cub.  I need to say No to the words that proclaim him to be lost and defeated and instead declare that all is well with him and his future is good.  Can I get an AMEN? 
Parents, aunts and Uncles let us be determined to speak life and not death over our children.  Let us pray for them and trust God to work in their lives however He sees fit.  Let us not allow others or ourselves to curse them with our words and treat them with disdain.  Let us endeavour to be the parents God intended us to be for these precious gifts.  May you also be inspired by this young mom's prayer for her one year old as well.  Let us pray:
Dear Lord,

 What can eclipse the joy of this day? Only your love

What does the joy of loving a child teach us? Just how much you love us

Loving this child  is like a glimpse of glory.

I see now how much you really love us Lord

I imagine your love compared to my love for my child

I love him immensely, but you love us immensely times immeasurable


On his first birthday, I thank you for the privilege of this journey of motherhood

I thank you for the unique child who you have entrusted me with

I thank you for allowing me to share in your heritage

I thank you for allowing me to see your majesty; how a baby has grown and developed over a year


Over this baby (child), I pray many years of truly fruitful living in honor of you Lord

May he come to know you through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ

May he come to be called one of your sanctified sons,

May he worship you every day

May he serve you wholeheartedly

May he be spoken well of in the streets

May he have a long and productive life

May he use his gifts talents and abilities fully and to your glory

May he be always protected by you

May he have peace, joy, patience, kindness, goodness, gentleness, faith, and love always