Friday, July 26, 2013

One day we will all see, know and consider that there is a God

In my musing to a friend of mine I determined that I don’t want to be the person that slows down temporarily.  I want to learn all that God is teaching me and apply it.  I want to never again go back to the way I used to be, the way I used to think or even feel about things and people.  I want to see as He does and never return to the world I lived in before – tunnel vision and self-focused.


I don’t want to wait any more for a crisis to occur before I start a dialogue with my God.  I don’t want to only see the miracles happen before I can praise Him. 


Oh that men would praise Him says God.  Oh that they would cry out to Him. Oh that they would seek after Him and his righteousness.  Oh that we will run to Him for all things and stay in the shadow of His feathers.


Friends, we are like grass and we are blown here and there by the wind that is unseen.  We all will have to bend and bow our knees to Him one day.  We, who think we are in control of our eternal destiny, will one day come face to face with our creator. We will one day realize that no money, husband, child, siblings, drugs, or anything here on earth is enough to satisfy us.  We will realize that we are not as “together” as we thought before and that this life is fleeting and oh so fickle.  One day we will all see and know and consider that there is a God.

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