Thursday, September 19, 2013

He Knows Me

If you had to write down 3 things you habitually do daily what would it be?  What is that something (s) that you do on auto pilot?  In my devotion time, the activity was to write down 3 habits.  Can I tell you that I could not find any off the top of my head?  I tried for over two hours to come up with a list of habits and could only find one – I drink tea at work in the mornings.  That was me scraping the bottom for something that seemed rather insignificant.

I have concluded one thing out of this exercise – I don’t know myself very well. I have been stumped through most of the activities in this devotional book, designed for me to look at moi (myself) and God's ultimate best.  However, almost every one of them has remained incomplete because I had no responses.  I didn’t know enough about me to effectively complete the exercises. 

I know, what I am saying makes no sense.  How can I not know my own self?  Data and Spok (Star trek) would say this is illogical.  I should know me, as I have been in my own company for the last 39 years and counting. So why is it that not even my own habits are coming to mind?  Why do I not know what I want to do?  Why am I puzzled the most about me?

I don’t know the answers to those questions.  However, I suspect that you may also find it hard to pin point certain things about yourself as well. It might have been easier to see someone else’s habits or ways but not your own. I am convinced that this deficiency in self-knowledge is not limited to me but inclusive of you and so many others. 

So I turned instead to someone who knows me like no other.  I wrote to Him earnestly this morning:
O Lord, I give my life to you.  I trust in you oh God.  Lord lead me by your truth and teach me your way.  Show me the right path to take and teach me your ways.  All day long I put my hope in you. (Based on Psalm 25).

It is not about whether I will ever fully know all about me, but it is enough to know that He knows me. It is enough to know that he will lead me and teach me and point out for me the right path to take. It is enough to know that when I can’t trust myself, that I can trust in Him and hope in Him all day long. It is enough to know that I am in Him, and He knows me.


Devotional Book: Becoming the Woman I Want to Be: A 90-Day Journey to Renewing Spirit, Soul & Body Paperback by Donna Partow


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