Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Marathon of Endurance

On October 16, 2013, Logan Ethan Brown made his appearance to the world.  It was the first time those of us outside of his mommy’s womb would see him.  In the days leading up to his scheduled delivery, his mom and I had many conversations.  We spoke about her fears, his name, and his personality.  What we never imagined was what actually happened.

L. Ethan was born with what is medically known as an Imperforate Anus.  If you were like me, right about now you are going what?!  According to Medline Plus,
“Imperforate anus is a defect that is present from birth (congenital) in which the opening to the anus is missing or blocked. The anus is the opening to the rectum through which stools leave the body”.

Upon hearing we were all shocked, frightened, scared and maybe even a little or a lot angry at this discovery. His mom said through tears “I can’t believe this is my life”.  I know we have shed many tears for little Ethan even as we entrusted him to God.

In times such as this I feel more grateful for things we often take for granted; things like an anus and even the very importance of its function.  I am grateful for a healthy baby.  I am grateful for grace that is undeserved.


Ethan has been in the hospital for a little over a week and while they found other concerns, he is really a perfect little boy. 

I have been encouraged, knowing that the God who formed him in his mom’s womb, is able to finish that process.  He knew him and had set eyes on him before he was even a thought.  He formed him in His image of perfection. He is a faithful God, who makes no mistakes.  I am encouraged because this trial causes us to look beyond our own abilities and confidence, to a God who created the Heavens and Earth.  I am encouraged, because we bend our knees to God and His glory is seen.

A friend’s husband told his wife, “We are in a marathon of endurance, not a sprint.”  I believe this can be applied to all of us.  You may have other challenges, and it is not something that comes and goes quickly.  It may be that the challenges seem back to back, creating a long stretch for you. It is a marathon - long and hard.  Endure.  Trust.  Pray.  The race is not for the swift but for those who will endure to the end.  My friend, God has already given us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ!
Thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Cor. 15:57


Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Give the Flowers While I am Alive

We celebrated my Mom's birthday this weekend.  It has become something of a tradition for us to "bless" people with our words of love and kindness on their birthdays in my family. As a matter of fact, my Mom was the one who asked us "where is my blessing?" after every plan we had for her to go out to dinner fell apart. However, she wanted to be blessed more than to eat Chicken Alfredo at Red Lobster.

I am so glad we did it. Late at night my family came together over vanilla cake to tell this woman of 64years how much we loved her.  We told her how much we appreciated all she did and does for us, her son and daughters and grand-kids and great grand kids.  We encouraged her to pursue her dreams, whatever they might be, and affirmed her.  It was a moment of tears, not from sadness, but love and joy.

The intimacy of the evening was perfect for her.  She said to us this was just what I wanted.  This was better than dinner.  This was better than any gift we gave her. This was her blessing...her flowers that will never fade or die. 

Roses in Vase (Taken from Google image)

I believe I have said this before, but it is worth repeating. Don't wait until the grave to say the words you want to say. Don't wait for sickness to come around.  Who can receive love from the finality of a coffin? Who can give love from the coldness of death?  No-one.  Not you. Not me.  So I urge you, don't wait. Give your child the words of wisdom now.  Hug your spouse as often as you can. Laugh with your children even if the house is a mess. Sit and eat and be with the ones you love. Let them know it and don't wait to say   "I love you".  My friends, give them the "flowers" today.

For God So Loved The World...

Saturday a friend of mine said this to me “I have never seen a black girl love a white man as much as you do. Black men must have hurt you really badly. What happened?”  I responded as such, “I love black men. My son is a black man.  I do not have a racial preference either way.”

He remained unconvinced and I didn’t feel the need to proof what I knew in my heart to be true.  It’s like my 12y/o nephew and I were talking en route to church the day before.  He said to me “My mom would have a problem if I dated a white girl. But I try to tell her that I don’t see colour.”

Today in our society, it would look like we have progressed and moved past the racial “thing”, but in every home I believe the ugliness of racial prejudices still exists.  It hides itself behind smiles and politeness, but it has not been erased from our society.  In fact I believe that we have to remind ourselves that Jesus loves us all so we don’t fall into the trap of racial discrimination.

I told my nephew that he should consider how Jesus loved.  Did he love all, die for all, rose for all, and will come again for all?  Did he not send preachers to the Gentiles as well as the Chosen Jews?  Does the bible say For God so loved the whites, or the blacks, or the Asians, or the Africans, or did it say the world?

John 3:16 New International Version (NIV)

16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.


I see colour.  I see the differences between me and someone of a different skin colour, cultural background, accent and even morals. I see it because I am not blind (although at times I wish I were in this respect).  I see these differences that set each of us apart, and yet amazingly bring us all together.  It is like looking at the colours on one tree in the fall season. That tree has greens, reds, oranges, browns, yellows, blacks and maybe even some white spots.  The multiplication of colours is what makes it beautiful to me. 
Fall (taken from internet)
 I imagine that this is what God intended when He made us all different. Perhaps when he looks down upon us, he sees the beauty of our differences just as I see the beauty in that tree.  I hope you are reminded of the wonderful, unfailing, all inclusive love of our Heavenly Father as you enjoy the fall season.

United (taken from internet)


Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Remember your Faith may grow

My son turns 19 years old today. I called him at 2am this morning to wish him a happy birthday and to tell him again that I love him. After we hung up, I closed my eyes and prayed for him. 
God and I have parented RKR all these years. It was just appropriate to share this moment with Him – His Heavenly Father.  Even now, as I think on all the “yesterdays” we have passed through my heart is overwhelmed with gratitude.  God has been good to us, His mercy has been plentiful and His grace so undeserving.  I can trust my son to His care; He has proven Himself faithful to us.  Many are the provisions of my God, exceeding all my needs with a limitless supply.
As I write and remember these things, my faith grows.  I feel encouraged and confident in the absolute care of God.  I am not doing something new, David did the same thing.  We only need to read through the Psalms to see the evidence. He remembered the God of yesterday, and was encouraged that He is still the same God of his today.  He reminded himself of God’s faithfulness and mighty acts and was able to stand in the face of his enemies, heart break and many trials. 
May I encourage you to do the same?  Might I nudge you to sit and reflect on the works of God in your life, your child’s life, family, friend or foe’s life?  Will you remember the past so that you may walk in the present with confidence?  David did it.  I did it. Now You do it.  Water your faith, and watch it grow.