Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Marathon of Endurance

On October 16, 2013, Logan Ethan Brown made his appearance to the world.  It was the first time those of us outside of his mommy’s womb would see him.  In the days leading up to his scheduled delivery, his mom and I had many conversations.  We spoke about her fears, his name, and his personality.  What we never imagined was what actually happened.

L. Ethan was born with what is medically known as an Imperforate Anus.  If you were like me, right about now you are going what?!  According to Medline Plus,
“Imperforate anus is a defect that is present from birth (congenital) in which the opening to the anus is missing or blocked. The anus is the opening to the rectum through which stools leave the body”.

Upon hearing we were all shocked, frightened, scared and maybe even a little or a lot angry at this discovery. His mom said through tears “I can’t believe this is my life”.  I know we have shed many tears for little Ethan even as we entrusted him to God.

In times such as this I feel more grateful for things we often take for granted; things like an anus and even the very importance of its function.  I am grateful for a healthy baby.  I am grateful for grace that is undeserved.


Ethan has been in the hospital for a little over a week and while they found other concerns, he is really a perfect little boy. 

I have been encouraged, knowing that the God who formed him in his mom’s womb, is able to finish that process.  He knew him and had set eyes on him before he was even a thought.  He formed him in His image of perfection. He is a faithful God, who makes no mistakes.  I am encouraged because this trial causes us to look beyond our own abilities and confidence, to a God who created the Heavens and Earth.  I am encouraged, because we bend our knees to God and His glory is seen.

A friend’s husband told his wife, “We are in a marathon of endurance, not a sprint.”  I believe this can be applied to all of us.  You may have other challenges, and it is not something that comes and goes quickly.  It may be that the challenges seem back to back, creating a long stretch for you. It is a marathon - long and hard.  Endure.  Trust.  Pray.  The race is not for the swift but for those who will endure to the end.  My friend, God has already given us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ!
Thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Cor. 15:57


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