Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Walking like I don't believe

Good morning, afternoon or night.

I greet you in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour! 

I was happy to attend the Church Of God's annual Missions Banquet on Saturday.  I heard so many good things from people I travelled with last summer on my very first missions trip to Belize.  Let me share some with you.  J I heard have since been back to Belize with Uncle Pastor.  Nickayla I heard have been travelling all over and I believe Japan is next on her list.  Sarah, I heard is going to the Philippines for a month and I know and have seen the work as the Belize Plan continues.  (I wondered again if God wanted me to go and be a foster parent for those kids in Belize…not hearing anything so far. J

With all of that said, I believe anything is possible.  Yet, sometimes I don't live as if I do. 

 This brings me to the text, Matthew 6.  Jesus was talking to the people about worry. Anybody have a problem with this?  You know, you worry about what you will eat or not eat, what you will wear, and the big one – Money.  How little you have and how much more you need.  If you are like me, these things can consume your mind.  Jesus says these are the same things that dominate the mind of an unbeliever.  This was my AHA moment.  WHAT!?  Have I been walking like an unbeliever?  Yes. I have. 


Jesus assures us that God is quite capable of taking care of all our needs.  As I listened to the testimony on Saturday from Pastor Youdi and Sister Pam, I realized that the mission that God has given them is one of faith.  How else could they build and buy and ship and give and do?  It is not possible without faith.   When I listen to my little "niece" Nickayla, I am reminded again of the life of faith. How else could she go to London, Japan and where ever else with no money if not by faith?  How else could Jevaun go to a job interview and boldly declare that he was going to Belize and if that was going to be a problem then they were not to hire him, if not by faith?


Jesus calls us to believe in His father for our sustenance.  He says seek God’s kingdom first and everything else will be added unto you.  I believe this is what our friends are living out.  I am taking notes from their classrooms.  They are seeking God’s kingdom first.  They are walking in a  realm of faith that makes them look like mad men to those around them.  Yet, it is this crazy faith that makes them “believers”. 


We know that God owes us nothing but we believe that He can do anything.  With this in mind, I am willing to seek after his Kingdom as well. I am willing to renew my mind today (and every single day after this), to ask Him what I can do for Him today.  Food, money and clothes God will take care of – no need to worry anymore. J

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