Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Sing to the trees

My friend and I volunteer at a nursing home for seniors.  We have been doing this for over ten years and it hardly seems that long to either of us.  We go twice a month to this home and have church services.  My role is to love on every resident and to sing songs of praise.  I love going there as I always receive so much.

Last week we noted that a resident we have known since we began was in a state of decline. She was mid way through her nineties and her body was already showing the strain. We saw that years before. Now, however, her mind was also less alert. She was worried about the "bus" that was to come for her. It was sad to see, and yet just a picture of reality.

It was this in mind that my friend spoke to me. She said that I have been given a God given gift to sing praise and worship. She encouraged me to sing to the trees if that was the only audience I had.  Time is not an unlimited supply of seconds and minutes. For all of us, there will come a day when time in this body will end.  What  a waste it would be if we didn't do all that we were told by God to do, or use the gifts He gave us for His glory? What a tragedy to hide the talent in the ground until the return of the master? 

Let me encourage you to do all that God has given you strength to do for Him. Do not for one moment hide that talent. You can dance, so dance. You can write so write. You can speak so speak. You can clean, organize, cook, give, or any other thing, so do. You can sing, so sing - even if it is to the trees!

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