Saturday, August 9, 2014

I will be found

It was a Saturday.  At least when I began the journey it was Saturday night, until I drove right into Sunday morning.  Five times a week I drive my son to work; I believe they call it the grave yard shift.  The challenge for me is wanting to sleep on the way home.  To counteract I use music as a way to occupy my mental space until I throw the car into the drive way and get out.

On this trip I heard a new song.  My ears were immediately pleased by the lyrics.  It had me at the first line:

"I would take no for an answer
Just to know I heard You speak
And I'm wonderin' why I've never
Seen the signs they claim they see
Are the special revelations
Meant for everbody but me?
Maybe I don't truly know You
Or maybe I just simply believe"

(Read more: Chris Rice - Smell The Color 9 Lyrics | MetroLyrics)

I started thinking about so many others who must feel this way about their relationship with Christ.  Sometimes we as Christians inadvertently cause others to feel inferior because they have not felt, seen or heard what we might have experienced.  I say "we", because I am really looking at myself right now.  I am looking at my actions and how they might have caused someone to question their relationship with God.  How I might have caused someone searching for God's face to stop, feeling inadequate or any such feeling.  We laud our Christian encounters over others at times and I know that is not what Christ intended.  For that matter, I am choosing to believe, that is not what we as Christians intended either.  For me, these words song to a catchy tune made me introspective.

The song continues and I thought I heard him sing

"But sometimes finding You [God]
Is just like trying to smell the color 9
Smell the color 9"

What?  What was that he said?  He did just sing Smell the colour nine.  This song was getting better and better. In my mind I thought, how very clever to say what he meant.  It was hard if not almost impossible to create those experiences that other people have spoken about with God.  For some it is very difficult to "find" God.  They have never heard him or felt him and they wonder.  They begin to question their position with Christ.  They wonder if they were ever "saved". 

As the song began to end, I thought " but nine is not a colour and even it was you can't smell it!"

Just as a I thought it,  he sang the words.

Sometimes finding You
Is just like trying to
Sometimes finding You
Is just like trying to smell the color 9
Smell the color 9
9's not a color
And even if it were you can't smell a color, no
That's my point exactly

That was his point exactly.  I burst out laughing.  Word for word he repeated my thoughts and answered me.  Nicely done!

I do want to say that while we can't have other people's calling, feeling or anything else that they have had with Jesus he can be found. It doesn't have to be like smelling the colour nine.  It can be just like smelling the roses.  He promised us that if we seek him with all our hearts he will be found.  He will not hide His face.  He will answer you when you call.  So while Chris' lyrics were funny and thought provoking the truth is without error:

12'Then you will call upon Me and come and pray to Me, and I will listen to you. 13You will seek Me and find Me when you search for Me with all your heart. 14'I will be found by you,' declares the LORD....(Jer. 29:12 - 14).

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