Thursday, October 16, 2014

It is well because God is in it!

This week on the Women of Embrace prayer line, the devotional theme is "It is well".  Today, someone said something that caught me - "it is well, not because of us, but because God is in it."  How freeing that one line was for me to hear.

Many times, I work myself up into a frenzy trying to make my situation match my declaration of "it is well".  I want to be credible to those that are witnessing my life and it is not easy. Some things, if not most things are beyond my scope of control.  I can't make my son stop smoking, or have him stop hanging out with his friends every waking moment; I can't make my bank account more rich; I can't take the cancer away from my nephew; I can't resurrect my friend's dead son; I can't change a lot of things.  Yet, it really is still well.  It is well because God is really in it with me.

It is well because, as one friend says, God knows the end from the beginning. It is well because God already has His plans and He knows what he is doing.  I am reminded of the children of Israel, when they were in Babylon. God told them, through Jeremiah, Trust me, I know what I am doing. I know the plans that I have for you; plans that are set to prosper you and give you a hope and a future.  It is well, because God is in the midst of the darkest day you could ever live.  He is with you when no-one else quite gets just how awful it is and how afraid you really are or how uncertain of the outcome you are right now. It is well, when you go through your day of sorrow, whatever that may be.  It is well because God is in it.

So be encouraged my friend.  Whatever you face has an end.  Even when God doesn't answer the why we sometimes ask, He is still worthy of our trust.  He is still worthy of our praise.  His covenant of love remains with is well.

1 comment:

  1. It is well when God is it, and he is in everything, thank you for such a reminder. It is so easy to Front and just say the words "It is Well" but when you actually start to feel it and believe it in your spirit, it's the most amazing feeling in the world. Amen.
