Monday, January 5, 2015

God calls us by name

It is hard to believe but we are already past Christmas of 2014.  For my family, we have a family breakfast and then the exchanging of gifts among the Robinson clan.  Usually we are loud with laughter echoing throughout the house.  I love it and wouldn't want to change any of it.

This time as we sat on every available surface in my family room, the presents were distributed by my elder sisters - one to see and read and the other call out the names she heard.  It works.  I got one gift in particular from my sister and brother.  It was a terry robe, but the best part of it was that my name was on it.  On the robe, in pretty white letters, my name was sewn into the robe.  My mom, received a blanket and the names of all her children and grand-children were printed into a heart on it.  My sister received a robe and her name was also written on it.  There is something about seeing your name on an item that belongs to you.  Somehow the value changes and it becomes even more special, more precious, more thoughtful, more appreciated, more loved.

For me the mention of names always takes me back to Isaiah 43:1 where it is written "But now, this is what the LORD says-- he who created you, Jacob, he who formed you, Israel: "Do not fear, for I have redeemed you; I have summoned [called] you by name; you are mine." (NIV). God calls us by name and something about that always causes me to pause.  I heard a story of a man who was determined not to answer to a begging woman no matter what she said. He had it all planned that even if she said mister, sir, young man, or any other term he would walk away.  The lady called him by name and he stopped. The mentioning of his name had him throwing out his plans and stopped him right in his tracks.  He had to respond. 

That is what those gifts reminded me of on Christmas day.  God's calling of my name causes me to stop and respond.  God's calling of my name tells me that he knows me and there will be never ever be a case of mistaken identity.  God is calling out your name today.  No mistakes, he means you.  What will your response be to Him? 

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