Sunday, February 22, 2015


Lately I have been thinking about Peter the apostle.  He was passionate about serving Jesus, a leader, and a speak first think later kind of guy.  He was a man of the sea, knew how to work hard and provide for his family. He was a man's man in my eyes.  What I related to more than anything else was his faults.  He messed up, just like me.  Maybe just like you?

I read the accounts in Matthew and Peter was the one who was able to identify that Jesus was the Christ.  He knew what others didn't and when Jesus asked of his disciples who do you say that I am?  Peter was the one who spoke from the Holy Spirit. 

Peter was the one that Jesus told that he would build his church upon.  He was not just Simon but he would be Cephas, the rock upon which a church would be built and the gates of hell would not be able to prevail.

Peter was the one that passionately declared that even if he had to die, he would never stumble and never dessert Jesus.  Jesus told them all that the day was about to come when they would be caused to be stumble.  Peter said never.  Jesus said in addition to fleeing, you would deny me. 

Peter was the one who denied Christ.  He said loudly and with great emphasis, I do not know the man.  He tried to change the way he spoke when he was betrayed by his speech.  He swore and cursed.  He denied Christ just was foretold by Jesus.  Peter was the one who wept bitterly in remorse and repentance.

I said all of this to say that many of us do the very same thing.  We say with great convictions I would never deny you Christ. However, when the pressures of life become more intense, we too may have done the same thing. Thank God the story did not end on this note of disgrace.  In fact grace in abundance is what Peter was given.

Jesus found him where he was and he restored him unto himself.  He asked Do you love me?  I like to believe that with every denial, Jesus wiped it out with a confirmation of love. Love covers a multitude of sin.  So my friends here is the question that Jesus is asking "do you love me?"

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