Thursday, March 31, 2016

I am not a dog

I don't know how I would have handled this situation if it were me.  What would you do if someone called you a dog?  What if they said you are a dog and that is why we have to train you? Would you fight or flee?  Thankfully, I didn't have to decide on this but my son had this experience.  A colleague of his decided to attack him verbally and said those things to him.
My son can become enraged - wolf like in his ferocity and scary in his response.  He reminds of the hulk.  Mild mannered until someone gets him really angry and then its hello Green Monster and bye-bye David Banner.  I was told that my son upon being insulted stood up.  I imagine he raised himself up to his almost 6 feet height.  I imagine his voice bellowed  out across the lunch room. I imagine he muscled up his arms and fisted his hands.  I imagine he saw red and breathed heavily.  I was told he didn't throw a punch and for that I am glad.  Two wrongs will never make one right.
I applaud him because he held on to the little bit of control he might have had left.  Maybe it wasn't him but God that held him in check.  Who knows?  I certainly don't.  Yet I do know this, it pays to pray over your children.  For some reason, this devil decided to come up against my son but God prevailed.  The prayer of the righteous does avail much and we have been praying.  I heard and I prayed some more, for vengeance belongs to God and He will repay.

Doesn't it make you wonder though?  Just what would do if this were you?  Friends, I pray that we would be able to hold on to Christ in the midst of the name calling.  I pray that we would not lose our heads, cool or control and thereby our testimony for Jesus.  I pray that we would be willing to walk away and give up the right to be right, choosing righteousness instead.  If anything you could say, I am not a dog and walk away.  :-)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. It's rough... the human side of us can take over in varied situations (boy I know this well) , and in this instance I am thankful for the calm that surrounded Rori.
