Friday, March 9, 2018

My Lord Is Everything

I am asked to speak on the theme "My Lord Is Everything" for the Embrace Women's Service weekly devotional on the prayer line.  Normally by now I should be brimming over with words to say and yet inside there is this pause.  I feel the questions that asks "Is He your everything?" "Is He your Lord?"  "What does this look like in your life?"  Now I don't know if this makes me look bad to you but these are honest self check ups we should all engage in. Lets just say this got personal real fast. 

I find that sometimes I become so caught up in the routine of my Christian Walk that I lose sight of the One I should be following.  I mean I am doing all these things in His name and yet I wonder if this is really for Him or for Me.  I have read just as you did I am believe that God has a problem with people who are ritualistic and self motivated.  Check out any account of the gospel and you will find Brothers Pharisees and Sadducees as prime examples of what not to do. 

I know we can come down on these guys but the thing is that you and I (yes - you) are not exempt from being afar off with our hearts.  It's easy to become 'churchy' without God.  I could go on and on, but like I said - it's personal.  I know that I don't want to be the one who He tells "Depart from me I know you not". 

Do me a favor?  Don't let this be just another read for my sake.  Examine yourself. Ask the hard question.  Is Jesus Christ your Lord?  Is He everything?

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