Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Laziness & Procrastination Gets You Nowhere

I have been lazy - procrastinating with excuses and self satisfied reasoning.  I have thought and planned out my actions only to do nothing by the days short end.  I can see how many of you might be tempted to judge me.  I am here stating, seemingly unashamedly, that I have been lazy.  You can judge me if you like.  However, I suspect that if you are honest you will find your "To Do List" just as loaded from months ago. 
The truth is evident even as I look at the last time I "blogged".  What you don't know is that I had committed to do this every month.  My commitment was to God and myself, and yet I was not willing to put thoughts on "paper" as it were.  I have wasted away good hours thinking on what needed to be done but doing nothing that had to be done.  The irony is that I am the one who told my own offspring to "Do what you have to do so that you can do what you want to do".  I would love to say I coined that phrase myself for I don't remember hearing it prior to having said it.  Regardless of who said it when, it is a truth that I wished I had actually lived out before him.
I shake my head at myself really. 
My biggest regrets and causes for many repentive prayers, are the times I was just too lazy to do the things that would have the most lasting impact.  Only that which I do for God will remain and those moments, those God ordained moments, that I failed to act are what plagues me.  The time He told me to go visit someone who was sick and to minister to them in song or Word.  The time He told me to write that letter to someone and I left it in unwritten.  The time He told me to make that phone call and I never found the time. I wish this short list was all I had in my memory banks, but there are more.  These are moments I wont get back.  The people died.  That letter and phone call are no longer needed. Lost opportunities are what I have packed carefully in my trunk of Yesterdays. 
The bible is clear and tells us that we ought to work while it is day (John 9:4).  There is a time when that will not be possible.  It tells us that laziness will bring about poverty and encourages us to be diligent instead (Prov. 12:24).  Friends, I tell you these things so that you are forewarned.  There is a danger in knowing the good we ought to do but failing to do it.  James calls it a sin (James 4:17).  None of us are perfect. We don't always get it right.  However, today is as good a time as any to restart.  Are you with me? 

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