Thursday, December 13, 2018

Standing in the Enormity of God

I heard this statement from my friend "I'm standing in the enormity of God and feeling pretty small."  Wow.  She continued speaking but to be honest I was stuck.  The enormity of God.  I don't think I have ever thought of it before.  Imagine God - the GREAT BIG ENORMOUS GOD, allows me to stand before His throne.  I am feeling pretty small myself to be honest. 

I thank God that in spite of I am about to burst into tears.  This is mind blowing to consider and yet we should all take a moment to do just that.

Actually, it's okay that tears fall.  Its okay to feel as I do and perhaps how you feel as well.  Its okay to be overwhelmed by God and His Bigness.  It's okay to stand in His presence or kneel or be flat on your face.  Its okay to feel little and yet enormously treasured, protected, provided for and loved by Him. Its okay for all of this and more.

Imagine how Isaiah felt. He saw the Lord, High and Lifted up on His throne and His train filled the temple (Isa 6:1)!  Imagine Moses as He was in the glorious presence of God and his face shone after being there (Exodus 33).  Imagine yourself or better yet - why don't you get into His presence?  Why don't you stand in His presence and be overwhelmed by His Greatness.

Friends, we have nothing to boast of or anything to make him mindful of us but He does.  Oh precious one say yes to His invitation and be blessed.  Stand just as my friend did, in the enormity of God.  I hope that when you do, you feel small too. 

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