In case I forget to say this later, let me begin with Happy New Year!
As I look at those three words strung together I see them each individually. Happy. New. Year.
Happy. If we examine this word from any dictionary we would see meanings such as "feeling or showing pleasure or contentment". It is "having a sense of confidence or satisfaction in or with something or someone". Happy is a word used to describe a moment - a feeling. We have sang about it in many ways and over the many decades this world has existed. Smiley face - happy. Frown face - not happy.
New. I would summarize it in just a few words - Not old. Fresh. Never before seen or experienced. Brand new. We understand that clearly as most of us have been so blessed to be the owner of something "brand new" - not formerly used by anyone else. We have had things, ideas thoughts etc that are for us new; never heard of before - never tried - never seen. New.
Year. In our world, a year is a passing through of twelve months. More than that it represents time. it represents days, weeks, months. It holds within it an accumulation of seconds minutes and hours that all pass into the next and the next to complete the cycle. A year - a framed time. A year - expectations bundled up in the next 365 days that will stamp what was done or not done. A year.
In light of this, I would like to really ask you to choose what 2020 will be for you. It offers to us the possibilities to be satisfied and content. Paul said I have learnt (emphasis on the word learnt) how to be content in whatever state he finds himself. Choose also to be contented my friends. Choose to be happy regardless of what you face.
Choose to go into 2020 with an openness for new experiences. You have never lived those days before. Remember God took the people of Israel to a place they had never been before. He gave them new experiences, opened their eyes to things they had never before imagined. He fed them manna from heaven and parted the Red Sea. God is able to do for you new things if you are willing.
Choose to see the calendar as days of wonder. Let it be a time span for the greatness of God to be manifested and experienced.
Happy New Year. Hallelujah!
Sharing my writing online gave a freedom without guilt that was appealing. I also wanted to be kinder to the inbox of my friends who, God bless them, graciously accepted my numerous emails of poems and other "hot off the press" writitng sessions. I hope you are able to smile, maybe laugh out loud or nod in agreement. Whatever you do while reading these posts - I thank you sincerely for the time you spent.
Tuesday, December 31, 2019
Monday, December 30, 2019
Joy Comes In the Morning
Today a friend of mine has returned to her Caribbean island to bury her son. This Christmas was marked with the sorrow of his death - gone way too soon. She sits today, dressed in the color of royalty, a beautiful royal blue, burying a prince that should have aged to maturity but never did and never will.
Her story is not unlike other mothers who have lost children; the pain that she feels mirrors that of any mom who has lost a beloved child. The mercy of her story is that he got a chance to say Mom I love you and I am sorry. He was given breath before death to make it right with Jesus, so today the mourning is with hope. She weeps with a promise of a tomorrow that will come to all of us.
He was a young man with a future that God said was filled with hope and prosperity. Yet, he followed his cousin to an event that led to his death. Gun shots that claimed his cousin's life months before also claimed the life of Sterphion Gilbert. He never knew that day when he went against the sage advise of his mom that his life would end soon after. A bullet was lodged in his neck, paralyzing him from the neck down. He needed a miracle as doctors could not do anything for him.
For months he suffered. His family suffered. They were wearied and I believe that God was merciful and kind in taking him home. He got his house in order...he gave his life into the hands of God. He made peace with the ones he loved. He rests now in peace with Christ.
There is therefore now no condemnation as he is in Christ. He has been ushered from his sorrow into joy. On the day he died, he experienced his joy that comes with the morning.
So even now, as those left behind mourn his loss, Sterphion sees the king. Today he is in the better land and if we remain in Christ we will all see him again as our brother. It is true, weeping endures only for a night and Joy comes in the morning.
Father, remember the family and friends of Sterphion who mourn in this season of his death. May they be comforted by your hands today and in the days ahead I pray in Jesus name.
Her story is not unlike other mothers who have lost children; the pain that she feels mirrors that of any mom who has lost a beloved child. The mercy of her story is that he got a chance to say Mom I love you and I am sorry. He was given breath before death to make it right with Jesus, so today the mourning is with hope. She weeps with a promise of a tomorrow that will come to all of us.
He was a young man with a future that God said was filled with hope and prosperity. Yet, he followed his cousin to an event that led to his death. Gun shots that claimed his cousin's life months before also claimed the life of Sterphion Gilbert. He never knew that day when he went against the sage advise of his mom that his life would end soon after. A bullet was lodged in his neck, paralyzing him from the neck down. He needed a miracle as doctors could not do anything for him.
For months he suffered. His family suffered. They were wearied and I believe that God was merciful and kind in taking him home. He got his house in order...he gave his life into the hands of God. He made peace with the ones he loved. He rests now in peace with Christ.
There is therefore now no condemnation as he is in Christ. He has been ushered from his sorrow into joy. On the day he died, he experienced his joy that comes with the morning.
So even now, as those left behind mourn his loss, Sterphion sees the king. Today he is in the better land and if we remain in Christ we will all see him again as our brother. It is true, weeping endures only for a night and Joy comes in the morning.
Father, remember the family and friends of Sterphion who mourn in this season of his death. May they be comforted by your hands today and in the days ahead I pray in Jesus name.
Where was Jesus Born?
So at my church we have a Christmas concert yearly. We get the kids all ready to show case their talents with plays, singing, dancing and on their different instruments. It is usually very cute and the parents eat it up. The church pews are filled with family members all snapping away pictures on their iPhones. Its the most wonderful time of the year. Okay, I am exaggerating a little or maybe a lot.
However, this is not the focus of todays post. It really is about a question that should have been a straightforward and easy one for all of us. The MC asked the congregants "What was the name of the city where Jesus was born?" Okay. Tell me. No cheating!
So the kids shouted out Nazareth. Then one said Judea. Another person shouted out City of David. Then someone answered Bethlehem!! All of which we were told no. NO?!
What? I shake my head and could literally kick myself for not speaking up and challenging what I knew was incorrect. The MC told everyone that Jesus was born in....wait for it.
He said Jesus was born in Jerusalem! Jerusalem?! Seriously?
I have to go back to my kids and tell them that Jesus was not born in Jerusalem. He was born in Bethlehem which was the City of David. So what does this tell me and you? Check your facts. Anyone can make a mistake - anyone and I include myself in this group as well. So it is important to know God's truth and to verify it straight from the source of truth - God's word.
He had pulled the questions from a site and he didn't fact check. He even told us we need to get into the word for our selves. Well, he is right and I would he also needs to get in the word for himself as well. We all do.
So, where was Jesus born? You got it - Bethlehem!!!
However, this is not the focus of todays post. It really is about a question that should have been a straightforward and easy one for all of us. The MC asked the congregants "What was the name of the city where Jesus was born?" Okay. Tell me. No cheating!
So the kids shouted out Nazareth. Then one said Judea. Another person shouted out City of David. Then someone answered Bethlehem!! All of which we were told no. NO?!
What? I shake my head and could literally kick myself for not speaking up and challenging what I knew was incorrect. The MC told everyone that Jesus was born in....wait for it.
He said Jesus was born in Jerusalem! Jerusalem?! Seriously?
I have to go back to my kids and tell them that Jesus was not born in Jerusalem. He was born in Bethlehem which was the City of David. So what does this tell me and you? Check your facts. Anyone can make a mistake - anyone and I include myself in this group as well. So it is important to know God's truth and to verify it straight from the source of truth - God's word.
He had pulled the questions from a site and he didn't fact check. He even told us we need to get into the word for our selves. Well, he is right and I would he also needs to get in the word for himself as well. We all do.
So, where was Jesus born? You got it - Bethlehem!!!
Jesus is the reason
As I sit here I am singing in my head an oldie but goodie "And this Christmas will be, a very special Christmas for me..." I believe it is called This Christmas and Chris Brown sings a version of it. Although I don't know why I feel like Stevie Wonder might have done it prior. Who knows? Not me. Anyway, this Christmas was special to me.
We had breakfast as we usually do, but this year we had an unexpected guest. My brother, God bless him, was able to convince my recalcitrant aunt to leave the house and attend our gathering. She was surprised that she had a good time. We ate, we laughed over Christmas trivia. She got 3 out of 50 points and I promised her an honorary mention.
We exchanged gifts with each other and then the boys left to their own corner. So what was so special you ask? What stood out from every other year we have met before? Well, we remembered that the real reason for our gathering was not any of those time honored traditions we checked off our list. It was about a savior that was born to die and who even now is present with us. Yes beloved friends, I am talking about Jesus.
So we did what we never did before (and we are believers); we read the Christmas story from the gospel of Luke. Then we prayed. It was beautiful. It was special. It was Christmas. I am so glad that the reason for the season was celebrated in my house this year. I am so glad that His presence was center stage with the presents.
Yes, Jesus is still the reason....
We had breakfast as we usually do, but this year we had an unexpected guest. My brother, God bless him, was able to convince my recalcitrant aunt to leave the house and attend our gathering. She was surprised that she had a good time. We ate, we laughed over Christmas trivia. She got 3 out of 50 points and I promised her an honorary mention.
We exchanged gifts with each other and then the boys left to their own corner. So what was so special you ask? What stood out from every other year we have met before? Well, we remembered that the real reason for our gathering was not any of those time honored traditions we checked off our list. It was about a savior that was born to die and who even now is present with us. Yes beloved friends, I am talking about Jesus.
So we did what we never did before (and we are believers); we read the Christmas story from the gospel of Luke. Then we prayed. It was beautiful. It was special. It was Christmas. I am so glad that the reason for the season was celebrated in my house this year. I am so glad that His presence was center stage with the presents.
Yes, Jesus is still the reason....
Friday, November 15, 2019
House of Praise
From the bad, comes good. We had received news that we were facing another battle with cancer. That had rocked us and indeed we took a minute or more to get our faith in check. My sister who was diagnosed had her mind fixed on praise. She decided that to complain was to remain, but to praise was to be raised. So for the last three weeks we have turned our house into a house of praise.
We have met with other family members to praise for an hour. No agenda other than a song that is on our heart and a verse or three. God's name is exalted and for sixty minutes we forget about ourselves and worship HIM.
I tell you the truth, it has certainly shifted my position from the woe is me and everything is undone mind set to a God is able mentality. Now let me just state that we are still walking through the trials, but the burden is not as heavy. Week by week we are casting our cares and leaving it behind. We are growing our faith by praising our Savior. We are reminded through the wonderful lyrics and by the word of life that God is indeed Faithful.
So, yes, we have done away with the thieves of faith and truth and instead our house is a house of Praise.
I invite you to do as the song writer say and raise up your own hallelujah in the presence of the enemy. Let your weapon be a melody. Sing, in your storm so that by praise you are raised. HALLELUJAH!
In fact, go ahead and enjoy the song that has been an anthem in our hearts and church. Raise a hallelujah by Bethel Music
We have met with other family members to praise for an hour. No agenda other than a song that is on our heart and a verse or three. God's name is exalted and for sixty minutes we forget about ourselves and worship HIM.
I tell you the truth, it has certainly shifted my position from the woe is me and everything is undone mind set to a God is able mentality. Now let me just state that we are still walking through the trials, but the burden is not as heavy. Week by week we are casting our cares and leaving it behind. We are growing our faith by praising our Savior. We are reminded through the wonderful lyrics and by the word of life that God is indeed Faithful.
So, yes, we have done away with the thieves of faith and truth and instead our house is a house of Praise.
I invite you to do as the song writer say and raise up your own hallelujah in the presence of the enemy. Let your weapon be a melody. Sing, in your storm so that by praise you are raised. HALLELUJAH!
In fact, go ahead and enjoy the song that has been an anthem in our hearts and church. Raise a hallelujah by Bethel Music
On the day Rosie died
I was on vacation. I remember having all kinds of plans to get some of those unfinished things done - like updating this blog page with some of the thoughts that filter through my mind daily. It's funny how a thought will be just that without action to bring it to life. Never the less, it was a day in October that seemed promising. Just a couple days prior, Canada had celebrated Thanksgiving and though different, it was a good time. We talked, discovered some things we didn't know about family members and laughed over silliness and good food.
My sister was not feeling well and we all thought it was her indulgence from the rich foods she had eaten. Unfortunately, one day became the next and the next. On the Thursday morning, we took her to the hospital. She was vomiting with nothing left in her stomach, having had a full meal almost two days prior. It presented to me like it did when she had a blockage in the intestines. So I was already dressed and waiting for her to come to the decision I had made the night before - EMERGENCY.
We got there and of course waited with all the other people who were in varying stages of ill health. It always sobers me to realize how many people are sick all at once. They took test and scans and we waited. When the news came back both of us were in shock. This was not the answer we expected. Things just got bad real quick.
Cancer. They told us she had cancer and needed to see an oncologist right away.
I am not exactly sure what I felt. I don't know exactly how she felt either. Tears were immediate. Fear gripped my heart. Unbelief that this was truly the results was also apart of the first five minutes menagerie of emotions. Are you sure this for this patient? Could it be an error we asked? No. This was what we dealt with two years ago, No, she had cancer not has cancer. The doctor did not change his report. He confirmed it again. With a gentle pat to my shoulder he told us again and I felt sorry for him.
In that moment I felt his discomfort of having to be the bearer of such a negative life altering news. I took pity on him and whispered our thanks for his help as much as he could give. His expertise was maxed and he took us as far as he could go.
We went home and while we absorbed the news as a family I looked at my messages. Rosie, a class mate from high school had lost her battle with cancer. It's funny because I had not heard or spoken to her in years. No one had even mentioned her name in conversation. Yet, here was this news on the day that we faced a diagnosis of life and death. Rosie died.
I felt that deep within. She was in the hospital and was to begin chemotherapy the next day. However, she never made it that far. Her battle was over on this earth and she enters instead into the hereafter.
Why? How? All valid questions for Rosie and for my sister. I don't believe God gets mad at any of us for asking. David certainly wasn't afraid to ask and neither should we. So, yes, that was a bad day. However, we still hope and believe in the One who is still good no matter what we face. Even in the face of death, we can still choose life.
My sister was not feeling well and we all thought it was her indulgence from the rich foods she had eaten. Unfortunately, one day became the next and the next. On the Thursday morning, we took her to the hospital. She was vomiting with nothing left in her stomach, having had a full meal almost two days prior. It presented to me like it did when she had a blockage in the intestines. So I was already dressed and waiting for her to come to the decision I had made the night before - EMERGENCY.
We got there and of course waited with all the other people who were in varying stages of ill health. It always sobers me to realize how many people are sick all at once. They took test and scans and we waited. When the news came back both of us were in shock. This was not the answer we expected. Things just got bad real quick.
Cancer. They told us she had cancer and needed to see an oncologist right away.
I am not exactly sure what I felt. I don't know exactly how she felt either. Tears were immediate. Fear gripped my heart. Unbelief that this was truly the results was also apart of the first five minutes menagerie of emotions. Are you sure this for this patient? Could it be an error we asked? No. This was what we dealt with two years ago, No, she had cancer not has cancer. The doctor did not change his report. He confirmed it again. With a gentle pat to my shoulder he told us again and I felt sorry for him.
In that moment I felt his discomfort of having to be the bearer of such a negative life altering news. I took pity on him and whispered our thanks for his help as much as he could give. His expertise was maxed and he took us as far as he could go.
We went home and while we absorbed the news as a family I looked at my messages. Rosie, a class mate from high school had lost her battle with cancer. It's funny because I had not heard or spoken to her in years. No one had even mentioned her name in conversation. Yet, here was this news on the day that we faced a diagnosis of life and death. Rosie died.
I felt that deep within. She was in the hospital and was to begin chemotherapy the next day. However, she never made it that far. Her battle was over on this earth and she enters instead into the hereafter.
Why? How? All valid questions for Rosie and for my sister. I don't believe God gets mad at any of us for asking. David certainly wasn't afraid to ask and neither should we. So, yes, that was a bad day. However, we still hope and believe in the One who is still good no matter what we face. Even in the face of death, we can still choose life.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Growing Pains
I am growing and yes, at times it is painful. You might be experiencing pain as well and you may not realize that this is what it is....GROWING PAINS.
Let me go back. My sister and I were speaking of ministry. If you are actively involved in any ministry you would already realize that it is not easy. Challenges come in all shapes and sizes with the message to give up...QUIT. If you want to go beyond the borders of men then for sure you will experience push back and yes - pain. If you want to grow, you will experience - yes - again I will say it - pain.
I know that when my son was growing up he had pains in his legs. When I took him to the doctor I was asked if he was an active kid. Yes, he was very active. There was the issue. If he was a couch potato, then he would get taller without any pains. The fact that he was moving around in play, sports was causing his bones to grow faster than his body. Now, I must admit this was my understanding of the diagnosis and for the most part it proved itself true.
I said that to make the connection with us. When we are ACTIVELY doing things whether in church or work or home or any other arena to bring about growth we will have pains. Things don't always fall easily into place. It takes time for others around you, (the body), to catch up to where you are going (the bones). It will be really tempting and perhaps even seemingly easier to just quit. Stop doing. Stop moving. Stop growing.
However, in the long run, it will only cause everyone to suffer. Stagnant waters never produce life. We die in it and the same is true of any of us if we think that no change is good enough. I challenge you to do something new to bring about growth in you. I challenge you to sing a new song at your next event. I challenge you to learn a new verse on a monthly basis. I challenge you to learn a new subject, change your eating habit, wear a different hair style, make a new friend, look beyond the door and reach beyond the ceiling. I challenge you loved one to grow. I might have made light of the suggestions I used but you get the picture. Don't be afraid to grow - pain is temporary and will soon subside.
Let me go back. My sister and I were speaking of ministry. If you are actively involved in any ministry you would already realize that it is not easy. Challenges come in all shapes and sizes with the message to give up...QUIT. If you want to go beyond the borders of men then for sure you will experience push back and yes - pain. If you want to grow, you will experience - yes - again I will say it - pain.
I know that when my son was growing up he had pains in his legs. When I took him to the doctor I was asked if he was an active kid. Yes, he was very active. There was the issue. If he was a couch potato, then he would get taller without any pains. The fact that he was moving around in play, sports was causing his bones to grow faster than his body. Now, I must admit this was my understanding of the diagnosis and for the most part it proved itself true.
I said that to make the connection with us. When we are ACTIVELY doing things whether in church or work or home or any other arena to bring about growth we will have pains. Things don't always fall easily into place. It takes time for others around you, (the body), to catch up to where you are going (the bones). It will be really tempting and perhaps even seemingly easier to just quit. Stop doing. Stop moving. Stop growing.
However, in the long run, it will only cause everyone to suffer. Stagnant waters never produce life. We die in it and the same is true of any of us if we think that no change is good enough. I challenge you to do something new to bring about growth in you. I challenge you to sing a new song at your next event. I challenge you to learn a new verse on a monthly basis. I challenge you to learn a new subject, change your eating habit, wear a different hair style, make a new friend, look beyond the door and reach beyond the ceiling. I challenge you loved one to grow. I might have made light of the suggestions I used but you get the picture. Don't be afraid to grow - pain is temporary and will soon subside.
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Still Not Forgotten - The Aftermath of 9/11
For me, it was not the calendar that turned over to remind me of what happened some years ago on Sept 11th. It was not the posting of updated social media pages nor the news reports from varying stations. It was reading a fictional novel that started out with an attack of terror on American soil.
I felt inside of me such sadness, that I have still not been able to go behind the first chapter.
This was no fiction. This was not another who done it novel that I could pretend for the hours it took to read that I was the agent or detective working the case - solving the mystery and getting the back guys. I was only too able to recall scenes from this day of lives lost over a cause I still am unclear about. I am able to still see bodies plunging from buildings to escape a fiery grave that threatened them. I am only too aware of the explosions from planes crashing into buildings.
I threw that book aside and wept. I wept as you might have, for all those people that are still remembering those loved ones. I wept for those where years have not faded the pain. I wept for a nation that has never quite recovered and every day live and breathe the stench of 9/11. I wept for all of us who have not forgotten and never will for as long as God gives us breath.
Today, as the calendar has finally caught up to my thoughts, I am remembering with a soberness that life is fragile. Loss is guaranteed to come to all of us. I remember also the God I love and serve and who is able to COMFORT all us in our sorrow. He heals the wounded hearts that are still bruised and battered from what is now our "history".
Can you pray with me for all of us today?
Father, please wrap us up in your comforting arms and bring comfort to us as we once again mourn the loss of loved ones, our freedom, our yesterdays that can never be returned. Father bring to our nation a reason to celebrate life and infuse us with Joy Peace and Hope that comes from you only. Father, we need you. Everyday, every hour, every second we need you desperately. Father in the midst of this, we remember those that are still committed to serving in the defense of a nation they love. Keep them safe Lord and I pray a swift reunion with loved ones. Keep them in soundness of mind I pray and hide them from the enemy's eyes and hands. Lord thank God for North America. Bless this land in Jesus Name, Amen.
I felt inside of me such sadness, that I have still not been able to go behind the first chapter.
This was no fiction. This was not another who done it novel that I could pretend for the hours it took to read that I was the agent or detective working the case - solving the mystery and getting the back guys. I was only too able to recall scenes from this day of lives lost over a cause I still am unclear about. I am able to still see bodies plunging from buildings to escape a fiery grave that threatened them. I am only too aware of the explosions from planes crashing into buildings.
I threw that book aside and wept. I wept as you might have, for all those people that are still remembering those loved ones. I wept for those where years have not faded the pain. I wept for a nation that has never quite recovered and every day live and breathe the stench of 9/11. I wept for all of us who have not forgotten and never will for as long as God gives us breath.
Today, as the calendar has finally caught up to my thoughts, I am remembering with a soberness that life is fragile. Loss is guaranteed to come to all of us. I remember also the God I love and serve and who is able to COMFORT all us in our sorrow. He heals the wounded hearts that are still bruised and battered from what is now our "history".
Can you pray with me for all of us today?
Father, please wrap us up in your comforting arms and bring comfort to us as we once again mourn the loss of loved ones, our freedom, our yesterdays that can never be returned. Father bring to our nation a reason to celebrate life and infuse us with Joy Peace and Hope that comes from you only. Father, we need you. Everyday, every hour, every second we need you desperately. Father in the midst of this, we remember those that are still committed to serving in the defense of a nation they love. Keep them safe Lord and I pray a swift reunion with loved ones. Keep them in soundness of mind I pray and hide them from the enemy's eyes and hands. Lord thank God for North America. Bless this land in Jesus Name, Amen.
Monday, September 2, 2019
Ask Me Who I AM
I recently watched the movie Overcomer, a Kendrick Brothers production and was so inspired by them to do two things. I had to go to Ephesians 1 & 2 and see for myself what the Word of God said about me. I don't know about you but I so needed a re-write of my definition of me. Secondly, I was inspired to help my youth know this truth as well. I wanted them to see for themselves that God's identity map will be crisis free, unlike today's world view that brings utter confusion to everyone.
So here it is, my spoken word based on one scene from this wonderful, highly recommended must see movie (I really hope you run out and support them).
So go ahead.
So here it is, my spoken word based on one scene from this wonderful, highly recommended must see movie (I really hope you run out and support them).
Ask me who I am
By Engada Robinson
Ask me who I am
Go ahead,
Ask me who I am!
Not going to boast
Don’t have to lie
His truth gives me freedom
Tells me just who I am
The God definition of me
Is better than anything else I could find
He defines me
Yes His words about me
Is what makes me confident
It gives me the pep in my step
And the smile on my lips
So go ahead,
I want you to know
Ask me who I am!
I am blessed.
Blessed with every spiritual blessings
In Heavenly places through Christ.
I am chosen.
Chosen by God to be holy and blameless
Before Him in love
I am adopted.
Adopted as “son”. That’s
right son to the Father
I am an heir to the inheritance.
I am wise.
Wise in spite of my years, having the mind of Christ.
I have insight and I am in the know because of Him.
I am redeemed.
Redeemed through the blood of the Lamb.
Oh yes, that’s who I am
I am forgiven.
Forgiven of every sin because of His grace.
God’s rich grace!!!
I am alive.
Alive as in no longer dead in my sin
That was my yesterday’s self.
I am loved.
Loved by my God who made me in His image
I am His masterpiece, on display for His glory to be seen
I am His child.
Child of the Light, refusing to be anything else but
Who He says I am
I want you to know
Ask me who I am
The Best Me
Today is my friend's birthday. She turns 40 today and she said I am going to work on being the Best Me. I turn 45 in a few weeks myself (side note of Happy Birthday to ME!) and I also want to be the BEST ME that I can be. I was sitting in my living room watching a movie called the Intern while wondering to myself how can I do that? How do I become the best me?
To be honest, I was a little teary eyed because even now I have no answer. I don't know what the best me looks like. I don't know what I'm supposed to be doing to get to where I need to be that is "best". I asked my sister what is her version of the Best Me - confident, encouraging, non-judgmental, giving, faithful, a good friend and reliable were a few words that she spoke about. Those all sound great, doesn't it? As a matter of fact, she kept going long after I typed this sentence and is even now still listing the qualities that would define the Best Me.
How do we get there? How do we become the best version of ourselves without compromising ourselves, our beliefs, or hurting others? I can't begin to tell you the answers, I just don't know. well, that is not entirely true. I do know that I can't be the BEST ME outside of the BEST HIM. Yes, I am going there so you might as well not roll your eyes.
The Best of ME is not within my own version of good better best. It is not even within my own abilities. I cant be the Best Me without having the only one that is Good. God alone is good. I need Him to change me. I need him to help me become all the things my sister listed and more. I need him to bring out the good, better, best. I need Him period.
So, I guess I will dry my eyes. I will stop having the pity party that I like to entertain with me myself and I as guests of honors. I will stop wishing for change and actually start investing time with the only ONE who can change me for the best. Here is my big sigh of relief. Pressures off and pity party over. So here is looking towards a happy birthday and a great year of becoming all God intended in Jesus name!
To be honest, I was a little teary eyed because even now I have no answer. I don't know what the best me looks like. I don't know what I'm supposed to be doing to get to where I need to be that is "best". I asked my sister what is her version of the Best Me - confident, encouraging, non-judgmental, giving, faithful, a good friend and reliable were a few words that she spoke about. Those all sound great, doesn't it? As a matter of fact, she kept going long after I typed this sentence and is even now still listing the qualities that would define the Best Me.
How do we get there? How do we become the best version of ourselves without compromising ourselves, our beliefs, or hurting others? I can't begin to tell you the answers, I just don't know. well, that is not entirely true. I do know that I can't be the BEST ME outside of the BEST HIM. Yes, I am going there so you might as well not roll your eyes.
The Best of ME is not within my own version of good better best. It is not even within my own abilities. I cant be the Best Me without having the only one that is Good. God alone is good. I need Him to change me. I need him to help me become all the things my sister listed and more. I need him to bring out the good, better, best. I need Him period.
So, I guess I will dry my eyes. I will stop having the pity party that I like to entertain with me myself and I as guests of honors. I will stop wishing for change and actually start investing time with the only ONE who can change me for the best. Here is my big sigh of relief. Pressures off and pity party over. So here is looking towards a happy birthday and a great year of becoming all God intended in Jesus name!
Monday, August 26, 2019
Expect nothing and you will not be disppointed?
I read a quote recently that had everything in me going NO WAY that is not right. It is said "Expect nothing and you will not be disappointed." At first glance, it doesn't seem to be a bad thing. It seems rather harmless doesn't it? Actually, it appears to even be a good thing. Oh yes, this is a perfect guard against disappointments and failures. It seems perfectly logical to live by such a decree and perhaps even to get a verse or two to make it more spiritual. It is written, some may add, that we should "guard our hearts..."(Prov 4:23). Amen the congregation shouts in hearty agreement.
However, I have come to challenge this way of thinking. I have come to say NO WAY to this erroneous, life killing, faith destroying, and God denying words of thought. AM I being a bit dramatic? Perhaps, but don't dismiss me just yet. Hear me out. To expect nothing may keep you from being disappointed but it also keeps you from being fulfilled. It keeps you out of the race and out of the loop for the best things God has to offer you. It keeps you from reaching out and taking what God wants to give to you if you would only expect Him to do so.
Doesn't it say in the bible that we ought to wait for and hope for and expect the Lord (Psalm 27:14)? He says when we expect from Him, He will even exceed our expectations (Eph 3:20). He wants to go beyond what we even imagine is possible? He wants us to be of good courage and with stout hearts expect Him to do not just the possible but the impossible. He wants us to leap by faith, using the net of expectations in Him. He, God, says you can trust Him. Those whose hope and trust is in Him will not and I repeat, will NOT be disappointed (Isa 49:23).
So dear friends, I want to inspire you to expect from God again. Don't think for one minute that the safe route of having no expectations from anyone is the best route. I want to tell you that it isn't. It is a lie from the father of all lies - the Devil himself (John 8:44). He wants us to be dissatisfied in this short life here on earth as well as disqualify us for the life hereafter. However, God says no. He offers you the abundant life and it doesn't start at the door of Heaven. It starts right here and right now. So go ahead and dream, anchoring your expectations in a God who is faithful and will do all that He promised to do and more.
Here are some good verses to amp up your Expectation in God. Enjoy the read.
However, I have come to challenge this way of thinking. I have come to say NO WAY to this erroneous, life killing, faith destroying, and God denying words of thought. AM I being a bit dramatic? Perhaps, but don't dismiss me just yet. Hear me out. To expect nothing may keep you from being disappointed but it also keeps you from being fulfilled. It keeps you out of the race and out of the loop for the best things God has to offer you. It keeps you from reaching out and taking what God wants to give to you if you would only expect Him to do so.
Doesn't it say in the bible that we ought to wait for and hope for and expect the Lord (Psalm 27:14)? He says when we expect from Him, He will even exceed our expectations (Eph 3:20). He wants to go beyond what we even imagine is possible? He wants us to be of good courage and with stout hearts expect Him to do not just the possible but the impossible. He wants us to leap by faith, using the net of expectations in Him. He, God, says you can trust Him. Those whose hope and trust is in Him will not and I repeat, will NOT be disappointed (Isa 49:23).
So dear friends, I want to inspire you to expect from God again. Don't think for one minute that the safe route of having no expectations from anyone is the best route. I want to tell you that it isn't. It is a lie from the father of all lies - the Devil himself (John 8:44). He wants us to be dissatisfied in this short life here on earth as well as disqualify us for the life hereafter. However, God says no. He offers you the abundant life and it doesn't start at the door of Heaven. It starts right here and right now. So go ahead and dream, anchoring your expectations in a God who is faithful and will do all that He promised to do and more.
Here are some good verses to amp up your Expectation in God. Enjoy the read.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
God has not Forgotten
“Can a woman forget her nursing child, and not have compassion on the son of her womb? Surely they may forget, yet I will not forget you.” Isaiah 49:15
How many of us have had moments where we just plum forgot what we were saying, doing or anything else? My sister in law has had to live down forgetting how to get home from just a few streets from her house. She just couldn’t remember how to get to the house she has lived in for years. Have you forgotten people? I know I have. Chances are if I start calling you honey or sweet endearments I can’t remember your name. I have forgotten where I parked my car or even which car I drove to the store that day.
By now my point is well established, we forget. Curiously, we forget what we should remember and forget what we should we should hold fast. Things like past hurts or offences are what we often choose to hold close like treasures worth millions. Instead we forget our God. We forget who He is and what He promised. We forget His word; his truth; His name.
Now don’t feel bad. You are not alone and I don’t mean just me. Remember the disciples who walked with Jesus for three years? Well Jesus told them of ever that will happen. He told them of his death and resurrection. He told them of what was to come so that when it happened they would remember and believe. Yet, at the time he was arrested they fled. Peter denied Christ and the others fled to safety. They forgot that the trouble had a good end. They forgot that Jesus was mighty and not just a man but God Himself in the flesh. They forgot to trust the truth.
As much as we forget God doesn’t forget those that are for Him. He has in fact personally engraved us on the palms of His hands (Isaiah 49:16). He says that He is not like us. He will not forget us even if a mom forgets her child He will never forget us. Isn’t that comforting to know. It is good to know that I can depend on my Father to never leave me not forsake me. Simply, He doesn’t forget!
How many of us have had moments where we just plum forgot what we were saying, doing or anything else? My sister in law has had to live down forgetting how to get home from just a few streets from her house. She just couldn’t remember how to get to the house she has lived in for years. Have you forgotten people? I know I have. Chances are if I start calling you honey or sweet endearments I can’t remember your name. I have forgotten where I parked my car or even which car I drove to the store that day.
By now my point is well established, we forget. Curiously, we forget what we should remember and forget what we should we should hold fast. Things like past hurts or offences are what we often choose to hold close like treasures worth millions. Instead we forget our God. We forget who He is and what He promised. We forget His word; his truth; His name.
Now don’t feel bad. You are not alone and I don’t mean just me. Remember the disciples who walked with Jesus for three years? Well Jesus told them of ever that will happen. He told them of his death and resurrection. He told them of what was to come so that when it happened they would remember and believe. Yet, at the time he was arrested they fled. Peter denied Christ and the others fled to safety. They forgot that the trouble had a good end. They forgot that Jesus was mighty and not just a man but God Himself in the flesh. They forgot to trust the truth.
As much as we forget God doesn’t forget those that are for Him. He has in fact personally engraved us on the palms of His hands (Isaiah 49:16). He says that He is not like us. He will not forget us even if a mom forgets her child He will never forget us. Isn’t that comforting to know. It is good to know that I can depend on my Father to never leave me not forsake me. Simply, He doesn’t forget!
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Summer is over - Children skit
I just wrote this and thought I would share it. Going to have two of my pre-teens work on this. Feel free to use it if it works for you.
I just wrote this and thought I would share it. Going to have two of my pre-teens work on this. Feel free to use it if it works for you.
Summer is over – skit by Y Engada Robinson
Paul: (Sitting on a park bench – sighing and
looking sad)
Sigh. Why?
Why did it have to end? Why did
it have to leave? Why does it have to be
Eden: (all happy and
Hey Paul!!! Isn’t it a great day today? I love Fall, don’t you?
Paul: (looks at her as if she is crazy)
What are you saying right now? Have
you taken a fall on your way over here or something?
Eden: (sits beside him
and is now puzzled).
Back up young one. I don’t know what you are talking about. What’s with you anyway. You are certainly not the same guy who was
jumping around the park last time I saw you.
What changed?
Paul: (Jumps up)
Exactly!! That is exactly right!
Eden: Huh?
Paul: (Sits down and sighs heavily)
I am not the
same boy because of the “change”. The dreaded
change over from summer to fall; the end of old and the start of the new. I hate it!
Eden: (Nods her head while still looking confused)
Ohhh I see what you mean. Yes. Yes, I get it.
Paul: (Gets all excited happy that someone
understands him)
You do? My sisters think I am being silly and well
parents just don’t understand. So you
really know what I mean?
Eden: Ahhh
well no. I really don’t understand but I
don’t want you to be sad any more. It’s a
great day to just enjoy!
Paul: (Sighs and slumps down on the seat)
Nobody knows my sorrow.
Eden: (Starting
to be annoyed with Paul)
Paul get over it already. It’s just the end of summer it’s not the end
of the world. You act as if…
Paul: (Interrupts her)
Eden! Think about it for a second. What happens when summer ends? What begins in the Fall?
Eden: Ahhhh I get
new clothes?
Paul: Yes! Why
do you get new clothes?!
Eden: For school?
Paul: Yes!
YES! School starts and you know what
Eden? That means teachers homework and
tests. It means no more staying up late
and definitely no more park days.
Eden: Paul,
you don’t have to be anxious about school.
Weren’t you at church when they talked about not being anxious about anything
but instead pray about everything?
Paul: Ahhh No?
Eden: Yeah you were
but as usual you must have been playing with Kofi.
Paul: Seriously
Eden? I’m in a crisis and that’s what you are telling me right now?
Eden: You’re
right. I should focus. Paul we don’t have to be afraid of change. We
don’t have to fear new seasons. There is
good in the fall as there is good in the summer.
Paul: Yeah but one has school and one doesn’t. Oh summer why did you have to leave?
Eden: Okay you win the award for best drama
Paul: (Interrupts her)
Eden: I know
I am sorry. I’m still being worked on
okay. Look, don’t be anxious about
this. Let’s just pray together.
Paul: Okay, I will say amen and you do the rest.
Eden: Sigh. Father, please help Paul to realize that he doesn’t
have to be afraid of change. Show him
that there is good in all seasons. Help all
of us to do well in school and to have fun learning. In Jesus name
Paul: Amen!
Well come on Eden, we have lots to do and only a short time. Let’s get going!!!
(They both run off the stage and play ends)
This is the way, walk in it
Isaiah 30:21
"Your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying "This is the way, walk in it" whenever you turn to the right hand or whenever you turn to the left."
My grandma is 90+ years and she sometimes has trouble remembering some things. She gets impatient when she wants to things and she is not allowed because we don't trust her to do it. often times it will be her deciding she has had just enough of being away from her house and she is ready to return home. I often chuckle to myself when I hear the conversation repeat itself another weekend at my house between her and my mom. It will go a lot like this;
Mom: "Mama where are you going?"
Gran: "I am going to my house"
Mom: "Who is going to take you?"
Gran: "I'm going by myself"
Mom: "How are you going to get there?"
Gran: "I'm going to walk"
She would then get her shoes on and go out the door. Here is where it breaks down. She wants to go home but she doesn't know how to get there. She needs someone to tell her where to go. She needs a voice behind her saying "Mama, this is the way walk in it."
Isn't that what we are like sometimes? We have a destination in mind. We say with no apology Heaven is my home and I am going there. However just like my grandmother, we need help. We can't get there on our own. We need the direction of Holy Spirit in our lives. He will lead the way. There are those that believe that they can get to Heaven without Jesus. That is a tragic error. Jesus is the only way. He is the Way the Truth and the Life. Without Him there is no other way to Heaven, to the abundant life and promises of God.
I am grateful to God who will not leave us to perish. He takes care of His own. When we go off course He re-routes us to the way. He points us to the right way. Often I am the one that He chases behind as I am off on my own tangent - doing my own thing. It is true, men will do what is right in their own eyes. I know I have done that. Oh but His grace truly does abound in my life and yours as well. You are here today by grace and mercy for I know without doubt that none of are blameless.
He is the voice behind you and I say turn around to me again. Come this way son or daughter. He is our compass of right and faith and truth. HE IS THE WAY THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE indeed. Open your ears to hear His voice loved one. He beckons unto to you and I right now. Harken unto Him and do not resist. Repent and return to Him. Walk in the way He has set before you and it will lead you home.
"Your ears shall hear a word behind you, saying "This is the way, walk in it" whenever you turn to the right hand or whenever you turn to the left."
My grandma is 90+ years and she sometimes has trouble remembering some things. She gets impatient when she wants to things and she is not allowed because we don't trust her to do it. often times it will be her deciding she has had just enough of being away from her house and she is ready to return home. I often chuckle to myself when I hear the conversation repeat itself another weekend at my house between her and my mom. It will go a lot like this;
Mom: "Mama where are you going?"
Gran: "I am going to my house"
Mom: "Who is going to take you?"
Gran: "I'm going by myself"
Mom: "How are you going to get there?"
Gran: "I'm going to walk"
She would then get her shoes on and go out the door. Here is where it breaks down. She wants to go home but she doesn't know how to get there. She needs someone to tell her where to go. She needs a voice behind her saying "Mama, this is the way walk in it."
Isn't that what we are like sometimes? We have a destination in mind. We say with no apology Heaven is my home and I am going there. However just like my grandmother, we need help. We can't get there on our own. We need the direction of Holy Spirit in our lives. He will lead the way. There are those that believe that they can get to Heaven without Jesus. That is a tragic error. Jesus is the only way. He is the Way the Truth and the Life. Without Him there is no other way to Heaven, to the abundant life and promises of God.
I am grateful to God who will not leave us to perish. He takes care of His own. When we go off course He re-routes us to the way. He points us to the right way. Often I am the one that He chases behind as I am off on my own tangent - doing my own thing. It is true, men will do what is right in their own eyes. I know I have done that. Oh but His grace truly does abound in my life and yours as well. You are here today by grace and mercy for I know without doubt that none of are blameless.
He is the voice behind you and I say turn around to me again. Come this way son or daughter. He is our compass of right and faith and truth. HE IS THE WAY THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE indeed. Open your ears to hear His voice loved one. He beckons unto to you and I right now. Harken unto Him and do not resist. Repent and return to Him. Walk in the way He has set before you and it will lead you home.
Then Sings My Soul
Then sings my soul, my Saviour God to thee. How great thou art!
The lyrics of this song performed by Brooklyn Tabernacle is currently playing through my lap top speakers. I am sitting in the back yard and enjoying the Saturday morning breeze with my grandmother. It means something these words because I really believe that at times my soul does sing. I came out and sat down and before I did anything I began a praise of words and heart to God. Without intention I just began to thank God for His goodness and even more as I feasted my eyes on the blessings of having this home. How great is my God towards me, I hardly deserves His kindness. Yet, in spite of me, He doesn't withhold His good and perfect gift.
So I will lift my voice all the more and give Him praise for He is worthy of it all.
I bet if we were sitting before each other you would either roll your eyes or give me the smile with the tinged with sarcasm. However I dare you to do more. I challenge you to count your blessings, name them one by one and give Jesus all the praise. Yes, we can find something to complain about in our everyday, but we can chose something different - we can chose Christ and be intentional to give Him praise.
We can echo the virgin mother of Christ as she sang my soul doth magnify the Lord.... It will be worth it in the end.
The lyrics of this song performed by Brooklyn Tabernacle is currently playing through my lap top speakers. I am sitting in the back yard and enjoying the Saturday morning breeze with my grandmother. It means something these words because I really believe that at times my soul does sing. I came out and sat down and before I did anything I began a praise of words and heart to God. Without intention I just began to thank God for His goodness and even more as I feasted my eyes on the blessings of having this home. How great is my God towards me, I hardly deserves His kindness. Yet, in spite of me, He doesn't withhold His good and perfect gift.
So I will lift my voice all the more and give Him praise for He is worthy of it all.
I bet if we were sitting before each other you would either roll your eyes or give me the smile with the tinged with sarcasm. However I dare you to do more. I challenge you to count your blessings, name them one by one and give Jesus all the praise. Yes, we can find something to complain about in our everyday, but we can chose something different - we can chose Christ and be intentional to give Him praise.
We can echo the virgin mother of Christ as she sang my soul doth magnify the Lord.... It will be worth it in the end.
Saturday, July 13, 2019
I Still Believe
So yesterday morning I woke up with pain in my hand. I got dressed and somehow got to work. I had expected the pain to cease as it always did time and time again. I have been given a diagnosis of carpal tunnel. My hands burn and I am not able to press on one side of my body in sleep mode. I have numbness and you will find me doing a lot of hand shaking to bring ease to my discomfort. That has been life and so I expected the numbness with the pain of the morning to simply right itself.
I got to my parking lot at the office and I realized I couldn't turn the key that was in the ignition. I had already used my left hand to bring the gear from drive to park mode. I could not get my fingers to grip and the pain was not easing but becoming worse. It was then I felt the tears threatening. Well, they didn't just threaten but they fell and broke me apart. I was undone and the strings of music from my impromptu pity party was in full blast.
A friend of mine saw me and asked the simple question of "how are you?" which had me hugging her and weeping. I continued this "weep session" in my office with a desperate urge to lie on the ground in a full blown tantrum. I was not sure why my response to this situation was so over the top. I suppose I was afraid. Well, there is no supposing, I was afraid with no grey areas. I was afraid of what my tomorrows would bring. I was really terrified that the swollen unfolding hand was my new normal. D said I was tired and stressed and this was perhaps why I was so emotional. I cant say for sure but thankfully it ended after I| was told to take some pain killers and be kind to myself.
I left work early and had myself a "talk session". What was the matter with you? It is not that bad and this will only be a short problem. While it was not great it was not the worst. It was just life. Deal with it I told myself. There are so many others that are worse and they certainly are not standing around waiting for help. They get up and get moving....they are the ones that get it done!
I was over it. Over the drama I was creating for myself.
I was over it. Over the crying and pity parties.
I was over it!
I went on with life. I stopped focusing on my pain and just believed in my God.
I want to say that the morning after I am able to use my hand. I am able to type this blog.
I am able and for all of that I| give God praise. He remains the miracle worker and wows me again and again! I still believe!
I got to my parking lot at the office and I realized I couldn't turn the key that was in the ignition. I had already used my left hand to bring the gear from drive to park mode. I could not get my fingers to grip and the pain was not easing but becoming worse. It was then I felt the tears threatening. Well, they didn't just threaten but they fell and broke me apart. I was undone and the strings of music from my impromptu pity party was in full blast.
A friend of mine saw me and asked the simple question of "how are you?" which had me hugging her and weeping. I continued this "weep session" in my office with a desperate urge to lie on the ground in a full blown tantrum. I was not sure why my response to this situation was so over the top. I suppose I was afraid. Well, there is no supposing, I was afraid with no grey areas. I was afraid of what my tomorrows would bring. I was really terrified that the swollen unfolding hand was my new normal. D said I was tired and stressed and this was perhaps why I was so emotional. I cant say for sure but thankfully it ended after I| was told to take some pain killers and be kind to myself.
I left work early and had myself a "talk session". What was the matter with you? It is not that bad and this will only be a short problem. While it was not great it was not the worst. It was just life. Deal with it I told myself. There are so many others that are worse and they certainly are not standing around waiting for help. They get up and get moving....they are the ones that get it done!
I was over it. Over the drama I was creating for myself.
I was over it. Over the crying and pity parties.
I was over it!
I went on with life. I stopped focusing on my pain and just believed in my God.
I want to say that the morning after I am able to use my hand. I am able to type this blog.
I am able and for all of that I| give God praise. He remains the miracle worker and wows me again and again! I still believe!
Monday, July 1, 2019
The Lord Has Need of You
Have you ever seen those ads, the one about the army calling people to serve? Something like Uncle Sam has need of you! I remember the finger pointing towards the viewer and well I went searching and found an image that lines up with my memory. Perhaps you remember too.

This call, while not insignificant, is still not as great a calling as the one we have been given. There is a call indeed to fill the vacant spots of another army. It is a calling from the Lord. He calls us to be soldiers, in His army. He Himself is the commander of this army and into battle we go. We go knowing that victory is at the end. We win.
I got up this morning with these thoughts, God needs me in this season, in this moment, in this minute, in this second. The Lord has need of me.
Jesus when He was twelve went with his earthly parents to celebrate the Feast of the Passover in Jerusalem. They were a days journey out and realized that Jesus was not with them as they were returning home. Three days later they found Him. In Luke chapter 2 the scene is described for us:
48 So when they saw Him, they were amazed; and His mother said to Him, “Son, why have You done this to us? Look, Your father and I have sought You anxiously.”
49 And He said to them, “Why did you seek Me? Did you not know that I must be about My Father’s business?” 50 But they did not understand the statement which He spoke to them.
They didn't understand this at the time and some of us don't understand this statement today. We do not understand the business of our Father. We don't know what He wants from us. We don't know what would compel Jesus at twelve to sit in the temple for three days listening and speaking. we don't know what God expects from us. We cant explain what God needs or worse yet, we cant see why he would even need us.
Rev. Charles Spurgeon in his message dated back to 1857 indicated that there was an undivided consecration to the will of the Father. The word must suggests that there is "...something in me which prevents me from doing other work. I feel an all-controlling, overwhelming influence which constrains me at all times and in every place to be about my Father's business; the spirit of high, holy, entire, sincere, determined consecration in heart to God." He goes on to explain that Jesus had in Him a spirit of obedience. He was also compelled by the sacred calling. Spurgeon says "He had a sacred call to the work which he had undertaken, and that secret call forced him on."
The Lord has need of you and I even if it may seem that no one understands. That call to serve Him must be our only motivation. We must be tunnelled vision to His purpose. We must be intentional and resistant to the plans the enemy has to derail, distract and ultimately destroy the purpose God has for our lives.
Great you say. I am in! Sign me up for the next thing, whatever that may be. Actually, what does He require of me? I am so glad you asked. I have been asking that very thing for a while now. God what do you need me to do? What is my purpose? What is my sacred calling?
Well, in searching I found what someone has termed the Micah mandate. It leaves no one out but this requirement is for every man woman and child of God. The how may look differently as we are not carbon copies of each other. However, the end result will be the same being about the Father's business compelled by a must that that over takes us as we serve Him. The bible says in Micah 6:8:
I will say it again, the Lord has need of you. You too are useful and not expected to do any of this on your own. Look at the apostles and the disciples of the early church. They ministered often times together. It was an individual commitment but a team effort to bring about God's mandate. Paul, in the latter part of his ministry said to Timothy (2 Tim 4:9-11)
"9 Do your best to come to me quickly, 10 for Demas, because he loved this world, has deserted me and has gone to Thessalonica. Crescens has gone to Galatia, and Titus to Dalmatia. 11 Only Luke is with me. Get Mark and bring him with you, because he is helpful to me in my ministry."
There is a place for you in the ministry of The King of Kings. He doesn't have to but He chooses to use you and I as instruments in His hands. He doesn't treat us as disposable garbage but valuable and worthy of His son's blood and scourging. The Lord has need of you. Will you say yes?
This call, while not insignificant, is still not as great a calling as the one we have been given. There is a call indeed to fill the vacant spots of another army. It is a calling from the Lord. He calls us to be soldiers, in His army. He Himself is the commander of this army and into battle we go. We go knowing that victory is at the end. We win.
I got up this morning with these thoughts, God needs me in this season, in this moment, in this minute, in this second. The Lord has need of me.
Jesus when He was twelve went with his earthly parents to celebrate the Feast of the Passover in Jerusalem. They were a days journey out and realized that Jesus was not with them as they were returning home. Three days later they found Him. In Luke chapter 2 the scene is described for us:
48 So when they saw Him, they were amazed; and His mother said to Him, “Son, why have You done this to us? Look, Your father and I have sought You anxiously.”
49 And He said to them, “Why did you seek Me? Did you not know that I must be about My Father’s business?” 50 But they did not understand the statement which He spoke to them.
They didn't understand this at the time and some of us don't understand this statement today. We do not understand the business of our Father. We don't know what He wants from us. We don't know what would compel Jesus at twelve to sit in the temple for three days listening and speaking. we don't know what God expects from us. We cant explain what God needs or worse yet, we cant see why he would even need us.
Rev. Charles Spurgeon in his message dated back to 1857 indicated that there was an undivided consecration to the will of the Father. The word must suggests that there is "...something in me which prevents me from doing other work. I feel an all-controlling, overwhelming influence which constrains me at all times and in every place to be about my Father's business; the spirit of high, holy, entire, sincere, determined consecration in heart to God." He goes on to explain that Jesus had in Him a spirit of obedience. He was also compelled by the sacred calling. Spurgeon says "He had a sacred call to the work which he had undertaken, and that secret call forced him on."
The Lord has need of you and I even if it may seem that no one understands. That call to serve Him must be our only motivation. We must be tunnelled vision to His purpose. We must be intentional and resistant to the plans the enemy has to derail, distract and ultimately destroy the purpose God has for our lives.
Great you say. I am in! Sign me up for the next thing, whatever that may be. Actually, what does He require of me? I am so glad you asked. I have been asking that very thing for a while now. God what do you need me to do? What is my purpose? What is my sacred calling?
Well, in searching I found what someone has termed the Micah mandate. It leaves no one out but this requirement is for every man woman and child of God. The how may look differently as we are not carbon copies of each other. However, the end result will be the same being about the Father's business compelled by a must that that over takes us as we serve Him. The bible says in Micah 6:8:
He has told you, O man, what is good; And what does the Lord require of you Except to be just, and to love [and to diligently practice] kindness (compassion), And to walk humbly with your God [setting aside any overblown sense of importance or self-righteousness]?
But he’s already made it plain how to live, what to do, what God is looking for in men and women. It’s quite simple: Do what is fair and just to your neighbor, be compassionate and loyal in your love, And don’t take yourself too seriously— take God seriously.
I will say it again, the Lord has need of you. You too are useful and not expected to do any of this on your own. Look at the apostles and the disciples of the early church. They ministered often times together. It was an individual commitment but a team effort to bring about God's mandate. Paul, in the latter part of his ministry said to Timothy (2 Tim 4:9-11)
"9 Do your best to come to me quickly, 10 for Demas, because he loved this world, has deserted me and has gone to Thessalonica. Crescens has gone to Galatia, and Titus to Dalmatia. 11 Only Luke is with me. Get Mark and bring him with you, because he is helpful to me in my ministry."
There is a place for you in the ministry of The King of Kings. He doesn't have to but He chooses to use you and I as instruments in His hands. He doesn't treat us as disposable garbage but valuable and worthy of His son's blood and scourging. The Lord has need of you. Will you say yes?
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